
Young generation and the new working world

Working world

The world of work is changing, the approach and the young generation are rising. If you want to make a piece of furniture and learn, you have to strengthen the bed. Lena Marie Glaser rode the leadership skills and gave a glimpse into the obstacles and opportunities that are here erggeben.

The media discussion is often a question of: the youth is a mistake, they will never be work again. But that is not the reality, with glass concrete: “A right condition does not apply to your slates. If the problem occurs, it will happen. This work on Augenhöhe is not so heavy. You can play woolen clothes and a team team. The internal human culture, the betriebsklima, is important for the young people. And that is one of the things that you can do yourself.”

Führungskräfte, Work-Life-Balance und KI

Financial support for major reforms. As you learn more, with the change of the young generation. “The legacy is that the work-life balance is one of the most important themes. We will try some other things during the Four Days.” -Woche with greater flexibility zu beets is not the standard release for all industries.

Because the intelligent intelligence can cause a loss, it can’t be a party. Often it is the case that the technology is used, but Glaser sees a greater opportunity here: “It is important that this technology is applied in such a way that the human is taken over. If it is good, it will be a great experience, who will set up the AI ​​and how the Mitarbeiter will be charged.”

Stille Kündigung and Wertschätzung on the Arbeitsplatz

Another phenomenon in the Labor World is the so-called “silent Kündigung”, while the unfried Mitarbeiter themselves zurückziehen. “It is a great challenge for the team and the joint company,” said Glaser. “It is a matter of work, it is a matter of justice and fairness.” Wertschaetzung am Arbeitsplatz ist een zentrales Thema, and under the motto “Wir since Mitarbeitende, who here a work sumfeld vorfinden, sie gesehen und wertgeschätzt were become.” Solche Mitarbeiter sin fell motivates and produces.