
Überzeugender Saisonstart der HG Jever/Schortens

Überzeugender Saisonstart der HG Jever/Schortens

The HG Jever/Schortens started with a 28:16-Sieg against the TSV Daverden II in the season. Coach Enno Bruhnken warned for too much euphoria.

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Jever/Aprons/Daverden – A young Truppe and das Versprechen, Tempohandball takes place on woolen – the Neugier on the Landesliga-Handballer van HG Jever/Schortens war in Samstagbend over major. The Zuschauerränge in der Sporthalle and der Jahnstraße in Jever were well filled.

It takes 20 minutes for the Hausherren in your hand to completely release the TSV Davernen II. Dann aber lieferten sie ab. Ein 28:16 (14:9)-Sieg und de Tablenführung were der Lohn. “If you don’t have to worry about anything, we’ll be happy at Ende 42:16,” said Trainer Enno Bruhnken, from Jan Bergmann and the Seitenlinie unterstützt. Bruhnken says that it is a single critical point, then you will find: the chance defense.

First 20 minutes in which teams make contact with the intestines. “Wir kannten den Gegner gar nicht. More, if you are in the mood at the end of the season 34 Tore acquired and have fun with our own personal play, we can’t find it again,” said the Coach. The “nur” 16 Gegentore said that it was so German, was at the HG-Handballern with good intestinal function. The Abwehr of Innenblocker Björn Bröckerhoff regularly bought the Angreifer from the TSV Davernen II. Finally, Julian Schopp had a good Tag Erwischt in the Tor der Gastgeber.

Thanks to the many ball wins that the Hausherren can help in the hour of the match, the fast game to the front, good umsetzen. If you have one of the rights to a right court session, the right Wahl is hit. Silas Fink completed with his action speed of the TSV-Defensive serious head-scratchers. This is now a dream, but a big war is now no meter to stop. Zehnmal directs the shooting range on the point.

Now the trainer of HG must press on the Bremse: “When you start a victory like that, the euphoria is of course great. Here there would be a little gegensteuern”, said Bruhnken, the game of the player, it could make a little difference, who the fans in the Halle are.