
Giulia Siegel quits TV show

Giulia Siegel quits TV show

Cologne – The sick-zoff in Binding Drama the longer! Mitten in the live show of “Stunde danach” on RTL sees Giulia Siegel (49) plötzlich Rot and flüchtet weigh IHR from the TV-Studio.

In the "Evening danach" quickly bought the emotions over them.

In the “Stunde danach” zwischenzeitlich bought that emotional über. © RTL

It is true that both It-Girls Kader Loth (51) and the Tochter von Ralph Siegel (78) in South Africa-Dschungel were not all green – he could find the Zuschauer schon überzeugen.

Aber auch Wochen nach dem Abenteuer geht der Streit weiter. “Für mich bleibt sie eine Lügnerin, die ich häft me in den Dreck”, Giulia describes in her Gefühlswelt.

Innerhalb weniger Augenblicke Kader Loth will live in the Sendung status, one of the pages of Daniela Büchner (46) in Knallhart-Vorwurf in the future.

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Shock at Dschungelcamp! TV-Arzt Dr. Bob Muss Wegen Krankheit Aussetzen

If you’ve heard the first Wort story, Giulia makes it clear: “If you can use the theme again, it will be at your convenience.”

Gesagt, getan! A kurze Belehrung from Olivia Jones (54) shows the Münchnerin the Geschehen derart from the Senkel z gehen, that it originates and itself from the Staub might.

Auslöser des Zoffs war das Binden-Drama auf der Dschungel-Toilette.

Auslöser des Zoffs war das Binden-Drama auf der Dschungel-Toilette. © RTL

“So that you are close to the camp. I always get used to it, with my own experience, where it is in common with me, that it has become a reality and has become a thing of the past”, it is very clear that the framework is provocative behind it.

Von Danni Büchner’s Schlichtungsversuch bekommt die 49-Jährige zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht mehr allzu fell mit.

“I have my problems with my private statements. (…) After all, I have found my life, my life is still good. We will have all our jobs and our money will be obtained.”

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Riesenzoff at Dschungelcamp: “You are the only human being in the world!”

At Kiez-Größe Olivia Jones she had to deal with emotions that ended up in the Griff and took all the bets. “Let us just come back and do something. It’s not so high bought in the Stunde danach. That you’ve lost the Studio is new.”

Siegel-Widersacherin Loth goes to the Abschluss one of the safety measures and the Live Schalte has started. Grund genug voor Giulia, ins Studio zurückzukehren und Platz zu nehmen.