
Informationstag – Feuerlöschen is nicht alles: Göttlesbrunner Wehr zeigte ihre Arbeit

Informationstag – Feuerlöschen is nicht alles: Göttlesbrunner Wehr zeigte ihre Arbeit

Simulation Unfall

In particular the spectacular war that Simulation a Car Fall, before a Pkw was thrown among the crowd

Brigitta Trsek

Am “Fire Action Day” of the Feuerwehr could be obtained among the children of an Einblick in the Arbeit der Einsatzorganisation. The Wehr experience on this Weise also, new Mitglieder zu gewinnen.

After the experiences have been demonstrated, the satisfaction will be more like a Feuerbekämpfung umfasst. People’s lives are retten, Cars mountains, Gefahrengut beseitigen and auch die berühmte Katze vom Baum holen. For the Ausübung benötigen the Comrades zahlreiche Gerätschaften.

In one of the possibilities you dare to try out the small amounts, a place can not simulate in the command desk or loss with the water spray.
After the active phase it is all about the installation. The Feuerwehrmen and -frauen von Göttlesbrunn demonstrate in newly set-up scenes in your Leistungen.

Hautnah can take responsibility for the demolition, the fraud and the organization that carries out an einsatzes activities. Especially an exciting war that produces an accident situation. If you bore a man, who the fire brigade a Pkw-kippten.

Commandant Alexander Faust provided the action and went to work with the fight against the Feuerwehr. On the Action Day a man can have an advantage on the freedom of free will, but also not heavier: new Mitglieder-gewinnen.