
Mein Leben with 300 kg: Das Wiedersehen

Mein Leben with 300 kg: Das Wiedersehen

My Life with 300 kg: Das Wiedersehen – TV Programm TLC


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With a weight of 270 kilos, Laura is so stupid that she moves and can no longer move herself. But the gratitude, from the help of others that took place, was gray for the Texan. After the Magenbypass, Laura quickly lost 140 kilos and was fit as such. Then you start looking for a new reaction: during the first Hautentfernungs-OP Laura had died quickly and how she now had panic fear of further operations. Even Chay can swim with problems with camps years after the Magenbypass. The 23-year-old transgender woman who has now shown all the OPs with her writings, but life in her Kleinstad has not become easier.
