
Grübenbar-Pächter sucht Wirt für Burghauser Kultlokal

Grübenbar-Pächter sucht Wirt für Burghauser Kultlokal

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  3. Burghausen region
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Grübenbar-Pächter sucht Wirt für Burghauser Kultlokal
Elfriede Demmelhuber and Jean Yves Terrier are new to the Burghauser Grübenbar. © Haindl

The legend of the Grübenbar in Burghausen is a Wechsel: Betreiber Jean Yves Terrier, the bar has been busy for three years, the local running place can be given a new hand. In 2025, a sequel to the previous Konzept has appeared – the interest has grown.

Burghausen – Jean Yves Terrier (40) is a full-time gastronomer. If you no longer have a full-time job and have more information about your bet, this is the new Bar-Betreiber, nor a family member of three children. If you want to see the gastronomy, this is: Zeitlich came the family in the last three years, but it was still like that. If you have an idea for the Burghauser Grübenbar, it is now no more than a year ago, so it is good, it is not like there is a problem. But the inheritance and the high Nachfrage führten under other dazu, that is now kürzertreten muss.

Gerade in the summer war Terrier with stands in his vertreten vertreten. From 70 to 80 working hours for a week, the Terrier was happy with the end of the day for the family. „When you can no longer see the power of power, you must make a separation“, so der Grübenbar-Pächter. Elfriede Demmelhuber, the Besitzerin der Grübenbar, succeeded in war with the Concept of Jean Yves. If this Grund is vertraute, it is like a nachfolger.

Neuer Pächter soll gut laufendes Konzept weiterführen

The Übergang zur neuen Pächterschaft soll möglichst subsequent inheritance: “The Übergabe is planted until January 1, 2025”, so Terrier. “Theoretically it is possible from December 1st.” It may be that the age of 40 is a precursor to the mountaineering phase. Interest is what arouses interest – before we can begin, the Terrier will be in the act. “Two of the residents from Burghausen and from the Dritte come from their native surroundings”verrät der Grübenbar-Wirt. Interests were aroused, Geschäftsideen and Steckbriefe von sich self-reichen, damit Demmelhuber and Terrier sich ein Bild von ihnen machen.

The new game is the best – and it is good to work – Konzept fortführen. “Actuell sind alle Samstage bis Ende des Jahres ausgebucht”, so Terrier. “Für den Summer I urgently, fell over the Terrasse and Feste zu machen. Man must be present and play on those Veranstaltungen“, empfiehlt der Grübenbar-Wirt. “Of course you can get a new idea from your own idea, it’s not that you’re extravagant,” says Terrier. „It is important that the bar is so surprising that it is like that.” Ideal to spend time in Saturday, during the 40s.

Accommodation provided by renters with a shower

The Grübenbar looks at a long history story. Gegründet was created in 1964 by Franz Demmelhuber, from the early years of the night in Burghausen. Sein Erbe is not really alive in the Bar – outside the door Legendary Teufelstoast and the Teufels saucethe fact that city limits cannot be crossed. Unter Terrier experience of the Teufelstoast a small Renaissance: The “Teuflische Steak-Abend”, there in March 2024 zurückkehrte, hollow the delicious Sandwich zurück with the Special Carte.

“My guests find their own damage, so they stay there,” so Terrier. “Manche kamen direkt auf mi zu und sagten, damit seien nie nicht eenverstanden.” Gerade at Anwohnern war die familiäre and unangesteke Art, with Jean Yves de Grübenbar führte, sehr willkommen. In winter there is regular live music, in summer it is played on the terrace. “If it is a sad power, but everything, that is the time of the kürzertreten muss,” said Terrier, the dennoch factory, weiter in der Gastronomie tätig zu bleiben. An idea of ​​the Vollblut-Gastronom activities – running a mobile bar is possible. „It is so beautiful that we are happy with our best wishes“, that is, of the family.