
So Anbau and Ernte der Wassermelonen are skiing at the Biohof Preising in Zellingen

So Anbau and Ernte der Wassermelonen are skiing at the Biohof Preising in Zellingen

Erfischend, so and safe: A heißen Tagen ist the Wassermelone without faith. Mittlerweile bauen auch einige Landwirte aus der Region die Frucht an, der Biohof Preising in Zellingen is a davon. When the temperature rises, the wax melons start at Bio-Landwirt Johannes Preising and Erlebnisbäuerin Jasmin Preising.

The preparations for starting preparations in herbal medicine: The Acker will be seized and the Erde with Nährstoffen provided. When the Frühjahr der Nachtfrost begins, the Einpflanzen begins. This is a disinterested Anfang Mai. “We always have more satisfaction during our stay, our risks are less and we guarantee a long period of time,” says Johannes Preising.

The plants were taken from various gardening companies and are used from their presence at the farm ​​Aufmerksamkeit. Light distribution and water supply must be stimulated. Anyway, it is not that you are going bald in the past. “The plants must undergo their first climate-climatization. The sound is probably so, but it is so sensible. It may be that the self-esteem of the self-esteem can become a kaputt machen”, while the Bio-Farmer.

Viele Helfer unterstützen beim Pflanzen and both der Ernte

The concrete is a few small pieces from Umfeld. Family, good friends and a core team at Ernten: “Ohne die geht’s nicht”, said Johannes Preising. Make sure you work with a regional partner in the regular Austausch. “Alleen funktioniert eh nichts”, quickly Jasmin Preising together.

Beim Pflanzen are ready for travel. Genügend Helfer and Helferinnen are continuous. “Viele Hände, schnelles Ende”, says Johannes Preising. There is an optimal climate that presents itself, the melon fruit is covered with a whiter fly. “If we are happy, there is still plenty of room for it”, it is clear. The right time to recognize that the Vlies wieder vom Feld was taken, bedarf Erfahrung.

The flanzt and the sucked cover can clean the Melons again. Fundamentals is an optimal assessment: “Melons do not consume so much water, who thinks, but without condition for the own time point.” Your hand has all the control over the day. In the run of time, rich fruits must be cut off. This is the case when it comes to insects in the area of ​​​​lies and tragedies for the biodiversity of the Hofes at.

In the courtyard of ​​the prizes grow in this year to celebrate Mal Wassermelons. I think it will take a year that the construction is no longer carried out. Let the years continue to change variants of the Anbaus. “I have found one of our best investment strategies with time, but I can no longer find it when I have found it myself.”

Ideal if the Pflanzen have a “green Teppich” ausgebreitet. He is Johannes Preising especially on the stollz of the file. “Kein Jahr ist wie das alles”, erzählt says. The problem was caused by the factory tower affecting Pils or Witterung. If you are in Wetter, you can have the wassermelons from the beispiel use a sunscreen. “Respectful habits are good for good health care.” Auch Mundraub sei bereits vorgekommen.

You will also be able to start trading immediately

The end of July is the first field fresh-like fruit. When the “great Schwung” comes, there is a part of the ertrags on the Court. The rest of the melons were taken to the bundle, polished and sold in the supermarket. Die Kunden, which end directly on the Hof, take the Wassermelons with Erdrückständen and der Schale with. “That is truly authentic,” says Jasmin Preising, “that Leute may be like that. Aber for the Masse must be sauber sein.”

A long transport route that is imported is not possible. If the problem of the perfect reifezeitpunt can be reached, it is a larger number of regional investments that the prices find. If the water melon is no longer cleaned, it is kühlt with the barbell.

Season until September

The season ends in mid-September. Other melon assortments are not selected. “I put it under free heaven, but rather reluctantly”, says Johannes Preising. The personal game that plays a role in the selection, wherever the food and however, is getting longer. While the Spa and the Sache are essential, if you are busy building your knowledge, you know how to increase the knowledge and thus optimize the experience, he explains. “There is also a lot of manual work there, so patience is needed in all cases”, Jasmin Preising emphasizes.