
Two guests after a stay on the balcony: Hotel accommodation free of charge

Two guests after a stay on the balcony: Hotel accommodation free of charge

Der 47-Jährige must be responsible for their own actions. If I didn’t know what would happen, the man is a native who recognizes müssen.

Night in July 2023, we will be guests in Linzer Hotels during a Geländer vom Balcony in the future since, are the visitors of the service in the Landesgericht Linz freigesprochen. I couldn’t have known what would happen, but the mangle in the geänder has recognized müssen. The Freispruch is not legally strong, the Staatsanwaltschaft has no experience whatsoever with the private citizen who is involved in agitation.

The public prosecutor is to blame for the debt burden, but it is worth not going through the ÖNORM scheme any longer. There is a hole in the air that the Baumangel then no longer sees. If you are targeted, it is not the case that the guilty of the man must admit it.

Sieben Meter in the Tiefe gestürzt

Have been in the hotel on July 7th, if it is all a job, there is a rundeman at the lake enjoying beer on the balcony of a hotel room. If you are in line, a Dritter wants to schlichten, he is a Rangelei. A 33-year-old German citizen and a 47-year-old Pole, who were their tribes in the house, remained in the Geländer, where they came out. Both died from the second stock from good seven meters high and died a Schädel-Hern-Traumata.

Before the Staatsanwaltschaft war is clear, the fact that the 47-year-old knowledge of the vorgeschriebenen controls “Sorgfalt und Aufmerksamkeit außer Acht wellassen” has found, because this himself is the fachliche Kompetenz that has paint-hätte, the Mangel zu recognized . Such guilt dies and is not guilty. The death is “tragic”, says the Defender, “because the situation is different, the situation is not happy in the context of the response.” The fact that the mangelhaft gewesen sei, “steht außer Frage”, sieht there that debt aber both, the balcony is oriented. “If you have a great mangling ability, you are not allowed to be judged, but it is now over.”

Geländer “super stable” regions

During a review of administrative authorities in 2011, no mistakes were found on the balcony. 2016, I stayed overnight at the hotel, which was complained about. It is not possible to convert a balcony and make the balcony balcony “safely three times as good”, but it may be that you work with a few things that you can use best. There has been a problem and everything has become “super stable”. If you do not use bean stands, it is healthier. If you have seen one of the panels of the Absturzsicherung, which is in the orientation, before you have become the fatal man, “in a study that does not recognize war”. (APA)

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