
Good health: Commune for the betterment of the health care reform

Good health: Commune for the betterment of the health care reform

At the plant reform of Kliniken you will see Kommunen in Lower Saxony and the Krankenhausgesellschaft weiterhin Nachbesserungsbedarf. More communal Spitzenverbonden and the lower Krankenhausgesellschaft ensure the Landesregierung in a Mitteilung, the Gesetzentwurf of the Bundes in the Bundesrat that Zustimmung zu verweigern.

“The preliminary proposals for an economic stabilization and orderly transformation of the hospital landscape are no longer suitable”, the municipalities wrote. In any case, it will mean a long period of inflationary losses for clinical practice. Although the reforms are unclear, while the existence of the Krankenhäusern was taken over, the reform would have failed in a few years in the future.

Die Hospital reform would deliberate in the Bundestag. For the Midweek an expert expert in the field of common interests – accompanied by protest actions. Minister of Federal Security Karl Lauterbach (SPD) has set up the government for his reform plans, so that more specialization and a less bureaucracy will bring.

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