
WAHL-BLOG/Chrupalla sieht für AfD in Thuringia Regierungsauftrag | 01.09.24

WAHL-BLOG/Chrupalla sieht für AfD in Thuringia Regierungsauftrag | 01.09.24

The overview in Kurzmeldungen zu Einschätzungen around the Landtagswahlen in Saxony and Thuringia:

Chrupalla sieht für AfD in Thuringia klaren Regierungsauftrag

The Wahlergebnis in Thuringia is the AfD-Co-Bundesvorsitzende Tino Chrupalla a clearer Regierungsauftrag for his party and for a Regierungsbeteiligung in Thuringia and in both East German Bundesländern. “Der Wählerwille ist, dass es here a Politikwechsel geben soll – in Saxony who in Thuringia,” said Chrupalla im ZDF. Some people in Saxony will become a strong party, no matter how a man has a Regierungsauftrag.

Weidel: AfD-Ergebnisse in Thuringia and Saxony is historic

AfD federal chair Alice Weidel sees her party’s previous Wahlen victory in Thuringia as historic. “We have become the strongest force in the Landtag Wahlen for the first time,” he said in the ARD. In Saxony, the AfD has never played a major role in the last Wahlen. “It is also a punishment of the Ampel at the same time,” said the party’s fellow researchers. “It is a requiem for this coalition. A great film that any other director could produce. Spätestens with the Brandenburg Wahlen will be those fragments after new developments.”

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 1, 2024 12:36 ET (16:36 GMT)