
Hachinger Heimfest: SpVgg celebrates against Essen

Hachinger Heimfest: SpVgg celebrates against Essen

The SpVgg Unterhaching besieged Rot-Weiss Essen with a grim Auftritt in front of a secret Publikum (2:0(0:0)). Nils Ortel (48). Luc Ihorst brilliant with Torchancen and a Vorlage.

Hoops begin for disabled Stiefler

Haching coach Unterberger started his start in the Vergleich with the party that positioned VfL Osnabrück in second place with: Tim Hoops started for the disabled Manuel Stiefler in the starting eleven, Nils Ortel started for Maximilian Hennig in Mittelfeld.

Both Mannschaften release the flag. RWE with the first chance: Lucas Brumme hammered the ball at the Pfosten. Auch Hachings Angriff War Heiß, Julian Kügel and Simon Skarladitis cleverly positioned themselves in front of the Essener Kasten. Kügel patzte jedoch bei der Ballannahme, Skarladitis would be blocked.

Hachinger Hochform in der Defensive

Luc Ihorst provided the Top Chance of the first Durchgangs and put his Schuss down on RWE-Torhüter Jakob Golz. Few times Ihorst tried again with a Schuss from the Strafraum – Golz war over wieder zur Stelle.

Trotz der Intensität auf both Seiten blieb is bis zum Halbzeitende a torlose Partie. Immediately after the first flight of the SpVgg by Nils Ortel: After a Doppelpass combination of Ihorst and Ortel, Letzterer zum Abschluss – Golz war chances. Hachinger Hochform in defense: If the player goes through the spitzelten, he throws up the rear guard of the SpVgg.

Ball rises in front of Head at 2:0

The Hachinger Abwehr then dried up in the 77. Minute aber zu bröckeln, as Essen’s Prince Owusu Viktor Zentrich dribbled and brought the ball into the Zentrum. Leonardo Vonic now adjusts the Kugel by a few millimeters. Those Hachinger hatten Glück.

Kügel erhöhte nach a Flanke von Sebastian Maier voor Kopf op das 2:0, Essens Ahmet Arslan wollte es Maier gleichtun – sein Kopfball aber ging nur knapp drüber.

The Hachinger climbs in the four-day game of the Liga a few times above and reaches the Drittliga-Tabelle which was on a new rank. Essen revolves around the Niederlage in the next table of Tabelle on Rank 14.