
Possibility of replacing AirTags

Possibility of replacing AirTags

The US citizen has a Plastik-Müll an AirTag from Apple won away – and the Reise sold his Plastiks. There are problems with the city’s recycling program. This is reported by Inside Climate News in cooperation with CBS News.

The city of Houston has an idea to recycle all the art made of plastic. It is technically impossible, but the war was very disappointing, if there were any problems.

AirTags’ nutzerin products ensure that your plastic recycling products are replaced and kept in the collection bins.

Most of the products end up at Wright Waste Management. If all goes well, the development of the storage of plastic fabfällen cannot continue. Zweiten, and that may not be the case, it is a fire protection inspection and not files.

Luftaufnahmen der Anlage from Wright Waste Management said the message Berge von Plastikmüll, wbei eeninige Haufen aine Höhe of bis zu 3 Metern erreichten. Diese visuelle Beweis stand in krassem Gegensatz op die image van een efficient Recyclings, möst Einwohner uit Houston wahrscheinlich op Kopf hatten.

When Mark Wilfalk, head of the Houston Abfallwirtschaft, comes forward with that knowledge, the problem is a problem. There is talk that Wright Waste Management’s Anlage has “never been published before” and that the Versäumnisse will be put to the Fire Protection Inspection for review. However, if Wilfalk gets more violent, the city will be using 250 tons of plastic by the end of 2022, making recycling impossible!

Houston is insulted at the opening of a sorting, the of another name Cyclix is ​​used. Cyclix behauptet, a method for the recovery of pellets from plastic factory buildings is developed to have. It is of course that no real recycling takes place – for new plastic products that do not use these pellets. Most were used and used as fuel.

Cyclix heard about Erdöl-Konzern ExxonMobil. California Secretary of State Rob Bonta has investigated ExxonMobil’s behavior on plastics recycling. The statesman general who wrote the message after a long time, when the Cyclix policy to plastics recycling received a larger funding, was the second time that Houston’s recycling plan was realized, was later implemented.

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