
Experts warn of “Snow White Apples” – was this a problem?

Experts warn of “Snow White Apples” – was this a problem?

The Federal Office for Environment and Nature Protection is concerned

Experts warn of “Snow White Apples” – was this a problem?

Haben wir kaal Gift in unseren Äpfeln und Birnen?

Lauert bald Gift in between Äpfeln and Birnen?

In the false Apfelseite gebissen – and Schneewittchen field (quickly) to um!

In southern Germany the market can take on a new dimension, it is the Rede of the so-called “Schneewittchen-Äpfeln”. Was dahintersteckt? At Bodensee, the Federal Office for Environmental Protection and Lebensmittelsicherheit (BVL) will spray Äpfel and Birnen with even more pesticides. This fungicid soll laut BUND jedoch krebserregend signal, was verherende Folgen nach ich Ziehen könnte. If you understand it, I would like to clear it later.

BLV will Pestizide auf Äpfeln und Birnen in der Bodenseeregion – DAS ist der Grund

The Federal Office for the Environment and Nature Conservation (BUND) has issued a warning to its “Snow White Apples” that health insurance can cause harm. In a period of August, the fruit from the Lake Constance region is affected by the consequences in the summer.

The ground: The Federal Office for Environmental Protection (BLV) is possible in the region of the border with pesticides beziehungsweise Fungizids Folpet deutlich erhöhen – and there are 20 pages. The next day was perhaps the limit for the gifts in the form of a high price, it was worth using.

In the BUND-Meldung heißt es diesbezüglich: “The gift is well-received and well-received.”

Is there a pesticide that is even that important? Die Antwort: Damit am Ende der Hopfen-Export nicht gefährdet wird.

What Hopfen and Äpfel have in common? The end of it all is that there is a tangle of a number of uncontrolled results.

The BUND notes: “The whitening in the Lake Constance region is less susceptible to Schorf infection and a core fruit climb. If you bring in a pesticide, you land abroad and are taxed on Hopfen in Benachbarten Feldern. The export of these Hopfens products was not allowed, while the American and Japanese Kapitein-Rückstände do not tolerate. Since this is not the case, this problem can be called a fungizide with the Wirkstoff folpet.’

Heißt: I plan to send a pesticide captain in the US to Japan, here from BUND as a cancer-causing fungus Folpet tolerate.

Im Video: Very happy! Pestizide can rule out Parkinson’s