
VZBV: High Lebensmittelpreise – Politics for Transparent Care ‹ Fruchtportal

VZBV: High Lebensmittelpreise – Politics for Transparent Care ‹ Fruchtportal

September 2, 2024

Ob Zucker, Butter of Gemüse: Die hohen Lebensmittelpreise machen Verbraucher:innen zu purchase. After all, there is no one in Germany who will receive this prize. In Others in European countries are subject to price assessments, which include prices and costs for supermarkets.

A gift in the contract of the Consumer Center Federal Association (vzbv) said: Such a position is also available in Germany. The vzbv offers a guideline price for a payment arrangement – ​​for more transparency and fair prices.

Gutachten im Auftrag des vzbv says: Preisbeobachtungsstelle ist auch in Deutschland umsetzbar. (Photo © / shock)

  • Lebensmittelpreise later on: Since 2021 the Lebensmittelpreise has been announced since 33 years since
  • Please do not hesitate to contact us to clarify production costs
  • vzbv compiles the price assessment, the price and the costs for the Wertschöpfungskette drawn up

“The Federal Government must be light in the Dunkel der Preisgestaltung at Lebensmitteln. A preisbeobachtungsstelle can practice unfair practices and thus verbraucher: collect for your high price and the last charges. Countries where Spain and France are located. Deutschland muss nachziehen“, so Ramona Pop, Vorständin des vzbv.

Lebensmittel Prize as Black Box

Since the year 2021, the Lebensmittelpreise in Deutschland has risen rapidly at 33 percent, while the average inflation rate is at 20 percent. The high price at the Lebensmitteln is not only too high due to the higher production costs. It is unclear who won the prizes and were at the end of the day. If one of the preisbeobachtungsstelle weld itself Rückschlüsse auf Inflationstreiber seehen.

“The food price is a black box. The high costs of the food industry are based on the Vermutung, that is here the costs of the consumer: the cash is being used. There is a calculated error, which will cost more time for a fragment of the money bags. That should not be”, so Pop.

Preisbeobachtungsstelle auch in Deutschland möglich

The non-profit organization that has completed a Machbarkeitsstudy in Auftrag at the Agrarmarkt Informations-Gesellschaft mbH (AMI). Das Gutachten said: A preisbeobachtungsstelle entlang der Lebensmittelwertschöpfungskette – als von der Erzeugung bis zum Verkauf – lässt sich in Deutschland umsetzen. Viele notnauwen Daten since available before hand.

With the combined health insurance policy in place, so that the Federal Government can identify data issues and write down them. Log in to see if you can create a new notification.

“Those Facts lie auf dem Tisch. Jetzt is the Federal Government in Zug. Fair Lebensmittelpreise für Verbraucher: inten sollten eine Selbstverständlichkeit sein“, so Pop.

Vorhandene Structures nutzen: Einrichtung beim BLE

If the vzbv is the pre-obachtungsstelle at the Federal Institute for Agriculture and Food (BLE) is appointed. So it may be that the best structures and resources are used and expanded.

If there is a payment arrangement, this can be done in a fresh way, while the Grundnahrungsmitteln lies and is displayed in the analysis on other products.

The results of the price observation should be submitted to the Bundestag in the form of a yearly report. On this basis, legislation and regulations in the agricultural and life market debate and political mass intakes can be continued.

Price reduction at EU level

The European Commission has reached pre-obachtung. In April 2024, the Agriculture and Food Chain Observatory (AFCO) will be established.

From the perspective of the European Union, the European Union is responsible for einheitliche Berichtspflichten as well as einheitliche Auswertungs- und Erhebungsgegevens einsetzen. So price calculation on the European Internal Market is possible.

Source: VZBV

Release date: 02.09.2024