
Vom Kamel zum Luxuszug: Who “The Ghan” in the outback is eroberte

Before the Zugfenstern sees one of the remote regions of Erde, Bloody Marys and Erlesene Weine are served. While cocktails are mixed in the Lounge-Bar, guests of the Blick will enjoy the uninterested Weiten des Outbacks wandering around.

If you know that there is a Lebenstraum, Globetrotter will verwirklichen: Einmal with “The Ghan” Australian of the long nights.

The legendary Zug, the short-lived number 95. Birthday celebrations, connects the southern metropolis of Adelaide in South Australia with Darwin in the tropical Top End of the Northern Territory. From 2979 kilometres long distance through No Man’s Land, including the “Red Centre” with the world-famous Roten Erde.

A monumental journey. Or who of the ‘Journey Beyond Rail’ is a full-fledged form: ”The Ghan” spreads Zugang zu Parts Australiens, the other Urlaub beieten can – the perfect balance between Comfort and Adventure. ” The time when the Outbacks disappear into the Outbacks is not lost, here everything is lost.

Longest Passenger Train in the World

Including more stops and exits – such as in the Opal-Hauptstadt Coober Pedy or in the Nitmiluk-Nationalpark with its high sandstone rock faces – during the journey four days and three nights. The research into the teilabschnitte was carried out at great cost and was a great show of power.

“When the journey is quickly a mile long and the long journey around the world takes,” says Journey Manager Tom Borthwick. Up to 50 guests can accommodate up to 220 guests. If a technician is working with a sign, a straw-fall glove can prevent wilderness or other problems.

Separate from the Cabins and Suites and the erwähnten Lounge, is the “Queen Adelaide” restaurant and another restaurant specific to the Platinum Class, the double Kabinengröße-bietet. Gehobene Küche mit ausgewählten Menüs is a Markenzeichen des “Ghan” – from Crocodile Dumplings from real Crocodile Fleisch bis zum grillten Barramundi.

Typical: the Vintage-Charme long-lasting appearance, the interior decoration, even the smallest installation details are available – from the visible türklinken, over the alt trimmed panoramic window to the lounge. They are all coming up on the 21st anniversary of their lives. “The Ghan” is a luxury suck.

With a little more control over the woodwork: a Gold Class cabinet. Photo: Carola Frentzen/dpa-tmn

Viele Sachbücher, aber auch Romane with Judy Nunn’s “Spirits of the Ghan”, would have spoiled the rolling Legend. “It is a slow, interesting, timeless world, which has a Kreuzfahrt like a Zugreise”, says Michael Frayn in “The Ghan. Great train journeys of the world”.

As Kamele das Outback eroberten

The iconic bright red locomotive sees through 30 and 40 silver-colored stainless steel wagons with a flat snake through the country. If you use a section wagon for writing “The Ghan” with the Kamel logo in the middle. If the low is, the individuality is not so that Down Under wool passengers plays a role in the description of the long-distance travel. Speziell was by the names berift.

The first camel from the continents came with the Schiff from the Canary Islands and played in 1840 in the Australian Boden of Adelaide. In the following years most of the burdens for all expeditions inland will be such that a regional development arises.

Stopovers in Alice Springs: Here you can find “Ghana” Australia is the country with the world’s largest wild camel population – more than a million inhabitants. Photo: Carola Frentzen/dpa-tmn

From 1872 the Trans-Australian Telegraph Service was established, linking Port Augusta to Darwin, Kamele, building materials and food transport. “So the massive keyboard has a kamel on the back of it, it is a beautiful piece of music,” says the German Cella Livingston, the other telegraafstation in Alice Springs, where the instrument is not in use.

Whoever reads “The Ghan” names names

The Kamelführer that the papal Afghans were concerned with, no longer stem from the power of the highest Afghanistans, and from other states of the Near East. These Karawans were unguarded, from 1878 the first Gleise for the planned Eisenbahn in the direction of the North was rerouted.

“When you see the Spitznamen, which are not cleared up”, a thinking table at the Alice Springs station is a lesson that is a Camel Sculpture-stand. In this way we can see how “The Afghan Express”, “The Afghan Special” and “The Royal Ghan” can be illustrated. In the end, the difficult “The Ghan” is passed through.

With 100 passengers, the first trip started on August 4, 1929 in Adelaide in the direction of the eastern Stuart, when Alice Springs started. Here was a long time for „The Gahn“-Reisende Endstation. Since 2004, there has been 1420 kilometers long swimming in the Norden in Betrieb.

Enjoy the Cocktail with a Premium View of the beautiful landscape: in the Lounge of the “Ghan”. Photo: Carola Frentzen/dpa-tmn

“Was it another job that I loved, that I died a real trauma journey for the guest and that it can be part of the Verwirklichung sein,” said Caitlin Hill. The 25-year service in the service and a hint of the Tresen der Lounge were a Bloody Mary.

We will put the host family from the Fenstern on the right track and enjoy the unendlichen Weiten Australiens, where in the beat of the rattling “Ghan” Termitenhügel, Spinifex-Grasser and colorful desert flowers. Then the night directs itself here and the passenger machines have become better in a few weeks. “The Ghan” is listened to more and more often by this rural country, only from the Milky Way and Million Stars.

Links, Tips, Practical:

Travel soul: “The Ghan” connects Darwin in the North of Australia with Adelaide in the South. The journey can be carried out in both directions. It may well be that Darwin now takes up the battle with Alice Springs (or the other one) in his life.

Cost: The average quadruple fare will cost you between 4,000 and 9,200 Australian Dollars (2,400 to 5,500 Euros) in Cabin Class and Travel Value.

Dear Travel Time: We’ll be back in May and October. I’m Australian. Summer is often so hectic.

Einreise: Deutsche Staatsburgers können free of charge for the eVisitor Visa. It is a pleasure and right for a year during that time that the great chance of Aufenthalten in Australia is high.

Touring/Activities: “The Ghan” with more stops. Tourists can travel outside the country, including the great attractions in the price.

Währung: Ein Euro entspricht etwa 1.63 Australian Dollar (As of: 29.08.2024).

Time change: In Australia the different time zones have changed. Darwin, Alice Springs and Adelaide in Germany in the summer of 2014.


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