
Podclass Contest 2024/25: Jetzt registered! | – Ratgeber

Podclass Contest 2024/25: Jetzt registered! | – Ratgeber

Status: 02.09.2024 00:01 hours

Der Norddeutsche Rundfunk like wieder junior Podcast-Talente from Norddeutschland! The registration phase for the NDR einfach.Medien Podclass Contest 2024/25 starts on September 25.

It’s no different! Der Podclass Contest – de Medienkompetenzprojekt des NDR in Bereich Audio – enter the first round. We can thus register a Lehrende über das stehende Formular Schulklasses/AGs/Projektgruppen for the Podclass Contest 2024/25. Der Wettbewerb focuses on the eights and new years of all debts in Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Lower Saxony and Hamburg. On September 20, the registration window will open.

At the Podclass Contest, the Schülerinnen and Schüler with their medium come together and launch their own podcasts. The NDR jury is delighted with the creative and exciting concepts. The winner: The Sieger teams produce their first podcast episode on the Norddeutschen Rundfunk in Schwerin, Kiel, Hannover and Hamburg.

The Motto for the Podclass Contest Lautet: “Happy Generation? Was it a Happy Life?” The Schülerinnen and Schüler have looked intensely at their perspective with the Theme Glück auseinander: Was verstehen sie unter Glück? What Beobachtungen machen sie in der Gesellschaft? Was braucht es aus ihrer Sicht, um glücklich zu sein? Welche Rolle spielen Familie, Freundeskreis und Follower? What else was there since Glücks-oder fellleicht auch Unglücksbringer?

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So let the law change come

September and October 2024: Learning phase

After the registration of the teams is completed einfach.Medien Podcast playbook – a handbook with useful information, facts and technical basics that includes a podcast format. In October, the Schülerinnen and Schüler an der Neuauflage der digitize Town Halls part. Darin vermitteln NDR Podcast Experts who have no trockenen – statistics give tips for the lawtbewerb in the foreground. There is a creative technology and the practice of the podcast Macherinnen and Macher. If you are aware of the fact that you have an idea, find a title, Interviews führt and Facts recherchiert. It may be that teams and the town halls have to deal with coaching, which is found in the Nachmittag-statt.

October and November 2024: Teams start their own Talk Format

I started with the town halls and the competition teams in their own podcast. In a One-Pager painting is the most detailed in your design, the first idea for the sound design and the cover. The final decision for the One Pager is on November 22nd. In the final of the NDR jury, the best teams from the Bundesland were selected for the next wettbewerbsfase – the final.

December 2024 to February 2025: Das Finale

When the Teams-zeit began, the next version was made: the full-fledged script of the first episode, the sound elements (Opener, Rubriken-Trenner, Outro etc.) and the cover were set. Einsendeschluss is on February 7, 2025.

Während de zwölf Teams and their Podcast appear, such as Hilfe von their Podcast-Patinnen and -Paten. His name: Arne-Torben Voigts (Host von Bleib Mensch!) for the Lower Saxony Team, Samir Chawki (Die Zarten im Garten) for the Schleswig-Holsteiner, Mirja Freye (Dorf Stadt Kreis – starke Geschichten aus dem Norden) for the Team from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Philipp Schmid (Philipps Playlist) for Hamburg.

February and March 2025: Podcast production at NDR

The NDR jury is looking forward to the results of a Sieger-Team pro Bundesland. Ab Ende February 2025 production with your podcast patient and NDR podcast produces the first following podcasts in NDR. Je nach Bundesland des Sieger-Teams finds the production in Schwerin, Hamburg, Kiel or Hannover statt.

All self-teams, who have made it to the final with their writings, are awarded an Urkunde by NDR. It is a prize for the second and third places.

VIDEO: Podclass: Schüler show ihren Podcast in NDR (3 Min)

The competition jury

In the jury of the diesjährigen Podclass competition: Verena Gonsch, Martina Schönherr, Martin Seidemann, Nils Gross and Jürgen Webermann. © Jann Wilken Photo: Jann Wilken

The NDR Jury des Podclass Contest consists of: Verena Gonsch, Martina Schönherr, Martin Seidemann, Nils Gross and Jürgen Webermann (from left).

The jury of the competitions is composed with the NDR rating, the production of podcasts is beschäftigt sind. They look at the efforts of the schülerinnen and schüler, separated, we are in the final geschafft and show the Sieger-Teams. It is not possible to find the original title, idea, imprint and cover. If the potential of the series production exists, there is a critical critique – the soul of the law, the teams in the podcast after the competition-own standing battle.

  • Verena Gonsch work as an editor in the NDR-info team and host the podcasts “Familientreffen” and “Redzeit”.
  • Martina Schönherr is moderator of the new “N-JOY Morningshow with Martina and Greg”. Außerdem hostet sie ihren eigenen Podcast “Schnapps and Schnuller”.
  • Martin Seidemann is an editor in the NDR SportZone and has received a report on the Olympic Games and three football World Cups. A few years’ experience is the vermehrt of Bereich Innovation and Fortentwicklung.
  • Nils Grof ist im Team Corporate Design is working on the digital offering and war with the shape of various NDR podcasts.
  • Jurgen Webermann is the Leiter der Wirtschaftsredaktion von NDR Info and what is said about NDR Podcasts with: “Die Korrespondenten in Delhi”, “Mission Klima – Lossungen für die Krise”, “Sneakerjagd” and more.

The Winner of the Podclass Competition 2023/24

More than 40 school classes, AGs or project groups of all types of school from Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Lower Saxony and Hamburg have registered for the Podclass Contest 2023/24. The war motto: “Our parties and celebrations”.

The podcast idea of ​​Sieger-Teams can begin: In “Little Leute, great Taten” is a Friedhelm, a Heroes on both Radern, with the Rad till nach China fuhr. “Remembering and Remembrance” is one of the heroes of the New Year: Those students and students remember their lives, who lived in the Nazi leadership in their home town and were heroes. In the first episode “Vom Spielplatz zum Podcast” is another secret Kindheitshelden and imagine Freunde aus der Kindheit. Those Podcasterinnen hinter “I am a woman, I am a hero” proclaimed heroines from all over the world. Before the first people were interviewed with Hannah, the story went on in Uganda and went into action as a teacher.

More information

The winning team of the einfach.Medien Podclass Contest 2023/24 produces its first podcast episode at NDR in Kiel, Schwerin and Hamburg. © NDR

Four teams from Northern Germany can use their Wettbewerb-durchsetzen. My podcast will follow when you are in Kasten. more

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