
Kulinarik-Partnerschaften – Erfolgreicher Start of the “Produzentenarena”

Kulinarik-Partnerschaften – Erfolgreicher Start of the “Produzentenarena”

The NÖN hat in Vorfeld messageet: A new “Produzentenarena” is the region following the motto “Bauer sucht Koch – Koch sucht Bauer” almost bring aufs Teller, der Auftakt dazu and nun in Lokalitäten des Schlosses Litschau statt.

In her new career, Amelie Seilern-Aspang strives as an initiator of the integration of dairy and trade into regional lifestyle and gastronomy. “Now that cooperation can take place, the culinary development of the Geltung region can result in a more sustainable development,” such as: “Aufenhöhe kommunizieren and langfristig vertrauensvolle Beziehungen aufbauen – that is the Schlüssel zum Erfolg”.

Wertschöpfung scaffolding, Nachschub sicherstellen. Soul where es after the guarded concept of Dominik Flammer to start, producers propose the rich appearing gastronomes. During a strong networking, the regional regional economy will be hobn and the gastronomy of gesicherem nachschub profit – against a reimbursement of the costs, which products want and in the fresh taste will be. Listen to the products that you can use, the sale of products that have been on your plan for years, and the cooking of the right products, gezielt of the produced products and orders that you can order.

Gemeinsam sollzudemreicht became, that is the Ruf der Kulinarik stärker in dem nordlichen Waldviertel hinausströmt.

4-Hauben-Koch über Respekt, Vertrauen und Verlässlichkeit. A highlight of the war by the 4-Hauben-Koch Klemens Schraml aus Großraming, der über seine longjährigen Erfahrungen in der Zusammenarbeit mit Produzentenberichtete. Schraml concretes de wisdom van gegenseitigem Respekt, Vertrauen und Verlässlichkeit in solchen Partnerschaften, und die International Publikum.

The positive responses to the automatic translation and more intensive research of these steps can lead to various production statistics, a way in which the hofe and the expertise are known.

New Initiative for Start: “Bauer sucht Koch, Koch sucht Bauer”

Litschau, Forest Quarter

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Construction starts in Litschau