
Die wichtigsten Termine im Schuljahr 2024/25

Die wichtigsten Termine im Schuljahr 2024/25

In Upper Austria it is September 9 of the first Debt Day of the Schuljahres 2024/2025. © contrastwerkstatt –

The new Schuljahr starts on September 2 in Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland, and in the other Bundesländern it starts on September 9. Bereits am jeweiligen Tag darauf muss der Stundenplan stehen (wobei es aber noch später zu Änderungen kommen kann).

The first holiday starts at the end of October: Enjoy the Austrian Herbstferien Swiss National Day (October 26) and Allerseelen (November 2) on the program.

These are on the autumn of both holidays (on 26 October it is a Samstag, on 2 November a Friday) are relatively expensive. It is so that it can be different if you spend years later a holiday, a holiday by the schulautonomous day of your life. Ebenfalls is fallen by Maria Empfängnis (8. December), looking for a sonntag.

Enjoy your holidays then. Since December 24, there has been a service that automatically opens debt restructuring. The Weihnachtsferien date from 21. Dezember bis 6. Jänner.

The Semesterferien 2025 are scheduled for 1 to 9 February in Vienna and Lower Austria. In Burgenland, in Carinthia, Salzburg, Tyrol and Vorarlberg from February 8 to 16, in Upper Austria and Styria from February 15 to 23.

Easter holidays have left the schoolchildren very lucky in the coming school year, namely from April 12 to 21. The national debt is 1. I come across the debt on a Thursday – while I have spent the free time for a school-autonomous day and a long, long working day.

Zentralmatura from 6. to 14. May

Darauf nimmt auch gleich de Zentralmatura Rücksicht, which first started in the Woche darauf. Erster Prüfungstag ist der 6. Mai (Latein/Griechisch), abgeschlossen sie am 14. Mai (Italian).

It is the longest period that the woman will finally appear at the end of the month: The first of the two Donnerstag feiertages fell with Christi Himmelfahrt on 29. May, the exciting Freitag is the next candidate for a school-autonomous Tag.

No more work of the holiday home is from June 7 to 9: you can only go from the Pentecost Week to the Pentecost Monday – the service will go to the normal herbal holiday (outside is a free school).

Letzter Feiertag for the debt is dann Fronleichnam on June 19. The exciting Freitag is like Zwickeltag another tip for a schulautonomen Tag.

For learning the letzten drücker the most important thing is in the east of spät. Das Schuljahr ended in Wien, Niederösterreich and dem Burgenland namlich bereits on 27. June, also schon in der Woche darauf. In the rest of the Bundesländer, the 4th of July is to blame.

The debt start in the debt of 2025/26 is from the following date: I will go to the Schülerinnen and Schüler on September 1 in the Klassenzimmer zurück, for everyone else on September 8, 2025 wieder los.