
Tasty and healthy: Deswegen since Bananas are real Superfood

Tasty and healthy: Deswegen since Bananas are real Superfood

Bananas pay well to the faith tests Fruit sorts. It is so that it is a good thing to use Vorteile Bananas with their bring, the best thing you can do here.

Bananas are real energy lovers and love to have exercise classes on the schedule.

Thanks to the natural composition of sugars sucrose, glucose, fructose and other substances with fiber, they provide the yellow legs with a lot of energy.

But that’s not all. Bananas still can’t earn much more, if our customers fill up with new energy.

Reich an Vitaminen und Nährstoffen

Bananas contain between 88 and 95 kilocalories per 100 grams. Among the Obstsorten, the gelben Früchte are also the Kalorienbomben.

Dennoch gilts Bananas when they are healthy. So cover 100 Gramm Bananas gut 12 Prozent des Tagesbedarfs and Vitamin C ab. Ebenfalls contain vitamin A, vitamin K and insufficient vitamin B vitamins. Letzteren is richly consumed with all vitamin B6.

The elements used include phosphorus, lime and zinc added to the natural substance.

Bananas are rich in the minerals Magnesium and Potassium, which work very well, the Muskeln and Nervous functions.

The minerals play an important role in energy production and electrolyte house. Now that it is clear that athlete takes away so much fruit as sports snack.

Bananas provide the Körper schnell wieder with Energy.

Due to the Grund that the Zuckermolek has in the banana cultivation, the kitchen can be a bit more degenerated. So if you have a few bananas, you can practice a sport on a great training.

After the sport, the bananas of the muskelaufbau can be expanded and the electrolyte house can be stabilized.

The origin of the banana

The Banana is no longer absent in the secret supermarket and the market stands. If the gelben here have no more experience, it is so credible that someone else can do this.

I am 15. Jahrhundert fand de krumme Fruit in the Weg of South Africa in Europe and South America. Let us know more about the wide variety of banana exporters.

The word “Banane” comes from Arabic and is so bad with Finger.

The processing takes with the right shape of the fruit. Aus botanical See the Bananas in the Beerenfrüchten. If there is a category that takes the fruit out of a few fruit nuts, it is with other types of beer.

Various Banana Sorts and Your Nutzung

We enjoyed three types of bananas: the Obstbanane, the Mehloder Kochbanane and the Textilbanane.

The yellow fruit banana is used as a snack for zwischendurch-gessen. It contains 70 percent water and is rich in carbohydrates in the form of Stärke and Zucker, which contain vitamins A, B and C.

Kochbananas enter the Asian cuisine of Einsatz. Aus den Früchten another dessert can be served.

The Faser- or Textilbanane will be used, one of the selected Blättern products, such as Teebeutel, Cigarette paper, Wursthüllen or Banknotes herzustellen.

That’s your curl

Pro Jahr speist jeder Deutschen beef 14 Kilogramm Bananas. If you eat fruit, put it in your hands and generally relive it, you will once say: Where is the banana crumb?

The bottom line is that the fruit stand originating from the Banana Staude is in the integrated direction of the fruit itself.

The Banana is botanically for the family of the Banana plants (Musaceae) and looks like a Stauden.

Leave the banana fruit on the fruit stand of the staude if you take longer. Dadurch has done his best to reach a target point.

The Banana Fruit focused on the hinges of the probe and wanted to graft them. By this disk repanz the krumme form is used.

The Banana is always in season

Bananas last 365 days in the supermarket or at the Wochenmarkt.

The ground, where the yellow fruit is a paintable, is that it could happen in 30 federal states – zum teil ganzjährig. Other countries in Ecuador, Panama, Columbia and Costa Rica with the main cultivation areas and exporters.

In Europe, bananas were grown on the Canary Islands, Madeira, the Azores, and the Greek Island of Crete.

Decrease with bananas

It is a problem if you experience the banana severity. With the Banana Mono Diet you are required to eat 25 to 30 bananas a day.

It is not that the Verdauung is used uncontrolled and regularly, but then on the Körper-gifts. This is the way in which the vergleichsweise the Kalorienanzahl beim Abnehmen helfen.

Big but: Take care to ensure that there is still enough time for the Mangelerscheinungen to work, so that you can mix and match the potassium levels afterwards.

It may be that Muskelschmerzen, Muskelschwäche and Lähmungserscheinungen are in the Herzrhythmusstörungen führen.

When counting the potassium content at 4,000 milligrams per day. 100 grams of banana contain in cut 385 grams of potassium.

You can make your choice from 20 Bananas or Grenzer deutlich überschreiten. There are eight on a balanced analysis and a little lies with the right Arzt, who can do this in the Frage Kommt.

10 Gründe, die für Bananas

You have been given the opportunity to learn about Bananas. If you have one of the most common problems, the problem is that your Bananas are essential – perhaps no longer as fun for Tag.

Then you have the feeling that the mixture and fruit sugar are there, the ourser provides, you are dusted off. Other fruit should not be eaten anymore.

The ultimate result of a Banana:

  1. Bananas are energy eaters, which saves turbulent energy, effective and healthy with new energy supply. A Banana Snack keeps the Blutzuckerspiegel constant and high, not in a “Hungerast” depending.
  2. Laut einer Study soll der Verzehr von Bananas can help depression. So it is that the bonds that are in the essence of the fruit, have been so well liked. The Grund is the active tryptophan, an Art Protein, which changes the amount of serotonin in the world. Serotonin increases the enamel and destroys the laune.
  3. Bananas help, the blood pressure is regular. The opened Potassium and the limited amount of water that ends up in the Salz are Blood pressure vor.
  4. Thanks to the many requirements in Bananas, you can see the tropical fruits of the old Blutbildung season and enjoy a Blutarmut (Anämie) vorbeugen.
  5. Bananas are a real brain food. The Früchte sollen the Gehirnleistung improvesern. Not without the grub, bananas are served as snacks as well.
  6. The crumbs are fresh from the gut. The fibers help with constipation and ensure healthy intestinal flora. Bei Durchfall wirken Bananas in zerdrückter Shape hinged stopfend. Also eat bananas as a natural snack blocker.
  7. Bananas can positively influence the hormonal balance and help PMS. Vitamin B6 is regulated by the blood sugar, which can influence the immunity. Women, who are under PMS lead, have a few Bananas on the Day zu sich nehmen.
  8. Banana scales help to insectize lindern. The inn of the scale is a fact on the vast stelle reiben.
  9. Had a long night of drinking? Then you can make a banana milkshake with honey – the perfect hangover drink, which stirs the stomach and rehydrates the body with moist substances and sugar.
  10. Zum Schluss das ultimative Argument, das für eine Banane spricht: Im Vergleich z einem Apfel weist eenine Banane four Mal so fell Protein, doubly so fell Kohlenhydrate, three Mal so fell Phosphorus, funf Mal so fell Vitamin A and Requirements and two Mal so fell of the others Vitamin and Minerals auf. If you want to use the Potassium, you should try it in German to find mixtures that have been found.

So the best of bananas

Bananas are no longer sold, but they are here in the supermarket when the fruit is sold. In the supermarket, the kromme früchte is not gelb-grünlich or leuchtendgelb.

Lie de Bananas bereits een Weile im Regal, kommt de gelbe Schale braune Stellen. Many people shift bananas in this situation, which is often when they are declared. In Wirklichkeit since Bananas first with braunen Stellen an der Schale richtig reif! A Banane Reife stops the day from being long.

In der Obstschale bekommen de Früchte schneller braune Druckstellen. It is a fact that Bananas hang a dunklen and kühlen Ort.

I am a Kühlschrank who has lost nothing of Nährstoffbomben übrigens! While the enzyme is being removed, the banana skins are turning black faster. If you don’t look further, the banana can go further.

Important: Bananas cannot be stored together with other fruits, which absorb this ethylene gas and deposit it on the bananas.

Dadurch wird der Reifungsprozesssssssssleuninigt. Other things can be useful to you. If you want to get the most out of the green banana peel, go into a plastic beut together with the pfeln.

Tip: If you find the brown coal slide on the Banana-prevention most obstructive, you can use the Banana-cuts with citronen-, applesinen- or pineapple-beträufeln. The acid stops the fruit fresh.

Don’t be afraid of banana leaves

Banana fäden are brought from the Banane-dazu to the scale. It may happen that it is right in front of you.

It is not that it is no longer harmful, but useless. Während des Wachstums versorgen is the fruit with the right Nährstoffen and water. You can also use the Versorgungswerk of the Banana and connecting the name “Phloem”.