
Formal 1: Magnussen-Desaster perfect – was Haas still in power?

Verkehrssünder Kevin Magnussen muss in der Formel 1 tot kommenden Racing sister. Beim Großen Preis von Aserbaidschan ist der Haas-Pilot geperrt. There is a limit to the überschrits.

In Baku, Haas now has to put another driver in his car. It takes a while before the pilots have fallen – both have fallen in the Formula 1.

Formal 1: Magnussen für Racing in Baku Sperrt

Zwölf Zähler hat Kevin Magnussen went to the Italian GP on his Strafpunkte-Konto. It is a fact that the Sünderkartei der Formel 1 nicht has now started, but comes for a Race the Superlizenz-entzogen. Since then Romain Grosjean 2012 found a Fahrer weighing a Sperre.

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Beim Großen Preis von Italien presented Magnussen with a Kollision with Pierre Gasly. Die Folge: De Stewards verhang een zehn-Sekunden-Strafe und verilten zwei Strafpunkte. Damit corrected Magnussen’s limit for his own penalty points. Haas could protest once in a while, but die forever.

Magnussen himself is the subject of this penalty: “We have had a hard time running, I am not sure, but that is why the penalties are so bad,” Magnussen said to Sky: “I have spoken so often with the Stewards, I have never been not, who makes the rules work. It is wise to expand it. If an action is penalized, the stewards will not see the racing.”

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Fact is: Magnussen, losing his cockpit at Haas in 2025, is no longer available in Baku. Haas must replace him. There are only two options for the racing team to have their own strength: replacement driver Pietro Fittipaldi or junior driver Oliver Bearman. Fittipaldi moved up for two races in Haas in 2020, while Grosjean retired after his firefight. Bearman dared to take on Ferrari’s season, while Carlos Sainz was facing a blindfold-OP manoeuvre.

Anyway, there is a big chance that Bearman is no longer in the Formula 1 car. The Briton will be in front of Haas in 2025 and the start is taken. In Formula 2, the crash in Baku, there is no chance for the title anymore.