
Starter program for Kauf or Häuser

Starter program for Kauf or Häuser

Family, who buy another house and make it healthier, can take into account the food of the state. The program «Jung kauft Alt» is a service at the start, where you can give a speech about the Bauministeriums in Berlin. Soul group are the families with minor children and small to medium income. Sponsored by a zinverbilligt credit of the state bank KfW. In those years it costs 350 million euros for an expenditure.

Before the start of the development process, the House is also available for a Gebäudeenergieausweis der Klassen F, God or H hat – als verglichen mit modernen Häusern sehr fell Energieverbraucht. Darunter fallen laut Ministerium bovine 45 Prozent aller Wohngebäude in Deutschland. During modernization, the energy efficiency of the year has become a fact. If you can use another state program, the program of the Austausch van de Heizung will be used.