
Junger Mann (20) moves through Angriff on the Autobahnzubringer

Junger Mann (20) moves through Angriff on the Autobahnzubringer

Police are faced with a mystery

Junger Mann (20) is moving on the Autobahnzubringer after the Streit

After a while Unfall south of Paderborn it has become a 25th anniversary at the police. (Symbol image)

Die Polizei ermittelt nach een Tötungsdelikt in Jüchen (NRW). (Symbol image)

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The police declared an “aggression offense,” which occurred at 3 a.m. on Bundesstraße 59 near the Anschlussstelle Jüchen. One of the two ways in which the language is represented is that one of the 20s from Grevenbroich has reached a different situation. If the terrifying part of the Deutsche Lebensgefährliche Verletzungen is. There is no talk of Tatort.