
Good Health Systems Buy Trust in Democracy

“We are also seriously faced with a trust crisis in democracy,” Rauch explained via video switch in a press conference. There is talk of an alternative company and an “enormous development in digitalization”. That’s right, that adjustment processes are necessary. “If people withdraw, they will see the results in democracy.” The health system is being used.

“Many people have that feeling, they are second-class patients,” said the Minister of Health. “A right to a large community organization has been achieved. The money does not cost money. We have financed the reform of the economy with the coming years by financing, a total of 14 billion euros invested.” Investments are made in social Peace. “If you no longer have any problems, then the war that this reform has started for the fish,” says four days before the National Council with a wink at good direction.

The European Health Conference “finds itself in a serious time,” said EHFG President Clemens Martin Auer in Bad Hofgastein. “Democracies are under pressure,” the rise of populism. “With all its woolly stuff, this is one of the most functional democrats and functioning health systems, and not a single functional democracy and non-functional health systems.” On Wednesday, a study was presented at the EHFG, which said that right-wing or left-wing populism had received a message.

“Wollen auch von here ein klares Signal vom European Health Forum Gastein and the Europäische Kommissiongericht and nicht nur an de Gesundheitskommissar, that Gesundheit etwas ist, was nicht nur in the Silo Gesundheit abzubilden ist”, said the frühere section at the gesundheitsministerium. “Wir müssen actn.” Good health is your positive experience, you and your loved one is affected. “Nicht Handel ist, glaube ich, die Ursache für die Unterstützung des Populismus.” These Aussagen will never put an end to the Austrian Health Policy, “denn here we act”, concrete Auer.

Time, Transparenz and ebenfalls have reported on ECDC Director Rendi-Wagner’s departure for the Bewältigung Künftiger Pandemien. One of the major challenges during the Covid-19 pandemic is a standard and sensible matter. “Deletion is dynamic”, the medical and former health minister (SPÖ) stated. If you are normal, the description of the never-deleted version is a major challenge. If the deletion is steadfast, it becomes a pandemic that arises. It is an austerity image in the population for the next crisis, “in the debt that is in the adult education”, says Rendi-Wagner, who in June as director of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control has a first position in the new function of the EHFG ist ist.

“We must become faster, the infection monitoring was concerned”, as another Lehre from the Corona-Zeit rephrases. “Time is the separated factors, a hereditary result against a pandemic is proposed.” In Saxony Transparenz, the EU medicine authority EMA and the ECDC have created a monitoring platform for Covid and influenza infections, which is publicly available, Rendi-Wagner reported. Through the transparent translation, which goes through the extensive communication. “We must speak the language of men and not die the science.” A lot of Fake News must be offered and the day can continue. It is more a matter of wisdom and politics, which can cause a major pandemic, which rewards Rendi-Wagner.

(SERVICE – 27. European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG) from 24. bis 27. September as hybrid Veranstaltung under the title “Shifting health. Democracy, demography, digitalization” –