
Welche Marke landest op Platz 1?

Welche Marke landest op Platz 1?

Good sleep is the A and O, a suitable and prepared for the tag Trubel are, and a high-quality Matratze plays a separate role. The perfect mattress can often be damaged. Therefore, the best recommendations of the Stiftung Warentest would fall. Next, ask with dir the Top 3 mattresses from the test update from January 2024 for. That’s what happens Duo foam mattressesIt is a fact that the Matratzen have lying areas with non-existent properties.

It is a winner of the Stiftung Warentest

Matratzentest: So the Stiftung Warentest comes into your memories

Stiftung Warentest hat für dich 272 Matratzen unter die Lupe genommen. In January 2024 take a new look at the Matratzen zum Test hinzu. Bewertet wurden sie in Categories wie Liegeeigenschaften, Liege-Eigenschaften, Alternative Liegeseite, Gesundheit und Umwelt, Haltbarkeit, Bezug, Handhabung und Declaration. After these considerations, you take care of the Gesamturteil.

Exciting: Of all the tested mattresses, 31 of them were for the person, the same size or weight, correct.

Curious about more? The complete test report “Matratzen im Test: Erholsam schlafen – with Schaumstoff, Latex, Federkern” can be found on the Stiftung Warentest website.

Testsieger laut Stiftung Warentest: Bodyguard Anti-Kartell-Matratze (90 x 200 cm)

The active test of the Stiftung Warentest is the Bodyguard Anti-Surface Mattress in the size 90 x 200 cm with the Joint note 1.6. In six of the eight test categories the note “Very good” is shown. The matrix is ​​the Tester: for fast all types of sleep (or children) for an adjustable slatted frame. The device is washed and can be dry cleaned. The anti-cartridge mattress has a height of 18 centimetres and a weight of 12 kilos.

The UVP is located at 199 euros. Buy the Bodyguard Anti-Kartell Mattress (90 x 200 cm) at OTTO, among others.

Place 2: Emma 25 Flip (90 x 200 cm)

The Emma 25 Flip Mattress is in 2nd place. Place with a Overall rating of 1.7. In the categories Feasibility (0.9) and Haltbarkeit alternative Liège site (0.9) Make sure the expert: stays within the boundaries.

This foam mattress, which has a height of 24 cm, is slightly faded and washable. It is fun, friendly and better said for all types of writers Heart grade H2 (weich) and H3 (mittelhart).

Erhältlich is also available in the size 90 x 200 cm directly from Hersteller.

These mattresses are located at 3. Platz

In 2nd place with the Total note 1.9 lie about the “Badenia Irisette Smart 2 in 1 Duo Hybridschaummatratze”, the “Bodyguard Boxspring Matratze – Das Kraftwerk von” (aus 100 Prozent Vollschaum) and the Sun Garden Memovita V880.

The Badenia Irisette Smart 2 in 1 Duo Hybridschaummatratze is available in all categories that Note “Gut” or “Sehr gut”. This is a quick way to use all types of writing (or children) for a reinforced slatted base. The mattress is a wash and a chemical problem has become. With a length of 18.5 cm it is higher than the test version. The weight is with 11.5 kilos more than few. The slats are rated Stiftung Warentest “Mittel” and “Hart”. The mattress infiltration is “Deutlich zoniert” and “Sehr deutlich zoniert”.

You can buy the Matratze zum kleineen Preis at Amazon.

The Bodyguard Boxspring Mattress – The powerhouse of from 100 percent full foam is – just like the other two mattresses – for fast all types of sleep (including children) suitable. There are many different types of slats that are not even in order. The mattress is a whole 27 cm high and weighs 16.9 kilos. If you use crops or chemicals, you should do this.

The Liegehärten der Matratze are laut Prüfergebnis “Weich” and “Hart”. Die verschiedenen Liegeseiten sind “Schwach zoniert” and “Sehr deutlich zoniert”. You get a fair price at Amazon.

The Sun Garden Memovita V880 has been tested in everyone Categories of the Stiftung Warentest by the Bewertungen “Good” and “Very good”. It is suitable for most types of sleepers, children are enclosed. The mat is 16.5 cm high, weighs 12 kilograms and is for use on adjustable slatted frames. When washing, nothing can be dry-cleaned. The heart of the mattress can be switched on with H3 (middle).

It’s a 126 euro discount at Amazon and a 125 euro discount at Lidl-verfügbar.

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