
“Who would not approach Ukraine in Belarus?”

“Who would not approach Ukraine in Belarus?”

Policy rules: EU without an army

In the article for the conservative liberal argumentation of Jędrzej Bielecki, the planned military coalition of the Swiss Germany and Great Britain is the plans for the European Union as its own representation of the Defense Force. While Emmanuel Macron is investigating the geopolitical unity of the EU, which one of the American governments is investigating, an own military force of wolle, so of the autor, the American Federal Secretary of State Olaf Scholz has started statutorily on bilateral issues.

The Abkommen, the son of Olaf Scholz and British Prime Minister Keir Starmer who took office in 2025, were not only closed in a completely different geopolitical environment – ​​before Brexit and the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The Abkommen in Germany and Great Britain are one of the other joint Rüstungsprojects, the coordination of Waffenkäufen and the restoration of the interoperability of the Ausrüstung-omfassen. A Beispiel is one of the planned Gründung a Konsortiums for the production of Mittel- and Langstreckenraketen. Starmer has occupied himself at that time with the investment of ships in Berlin with the German German Rüstungsunternehmen with Rheinmetall and Siemens affected.

Whoever has Bielecki, the EU Commissioner Ursula von der Leyen has announced an Verteidigungskommissars. The divorced internal market commissioner Thierry Breton has bought a 100 million euro fund for the Waffenkauf during the European Union. Derzeitige Verteidigungshaushalt der EU-betrage has nur 9 Billiarden Euro über sieben Jahre, während de Länder der “27” jährlich 350 Billiarden Euro ausgeben. There is a chance of a greater flow of the EU Kommission on the European Rüstungsindustrie that schlecht stehen. Another problem is the EU’s technological problem. These days we are now 3.5 percent of the world’s greatest resources in the rest of Europe, where the USA 50 percent of the global industry is concerned.

Scholz has sucked a Schlüsse in 2022, if there The initiative “Sky Shield” was developed by the European Union as no European technology, which includes the American Patriot missiles and the Israeli Arrow-3 system. The initiative consists of 20 states, which are located in Poland and Turkey. My main goal: Man can’t wait to get the EU’s own technology. The fact that part of the representation politics in the EU no longer plays a leading role, so Jędrzej Bielecki in the Rzeczpospolita.

Dziennik/Gazeta Prawna: Whosollte Ukraine did not enter Belarus?

Zbigniew Parafianowicz from the Wirtschaftsblatt Dziennik/Gazeta Prawna writes about the possible “Siegstrategie” of Ukraine, President Wolodymyr Selenskyj, the bald American President Joe Biden, Vice-President Kamala Harris and Donald Trump presented themselves. This strategy, so the author, has an escalation of the conflicts, a new impetus for the Russian territory and an international internationalization of the wars. The biggest girl dies during the separation of Ukraine. Who has Parafianowicz inside, has the Ukraine on the other side of the great drone attack against Russia through its war beginning, while 158 unmanned air streams of the aggressors fly through the air. You can use another Heizkraftwerk in the Moscow region and Twerstört. Gestern sei der Hauptstadtflughafen Wnukowo roads der Bedrohung geschlossen. Gleichzeitig has Aljaksandr Lukaschenka panzerte Fahrzeuge and Panzer with tactical Markierungen (of Buchstaben B) geschickt in Richtung der Ukrainian Grenze. Whoever the author is will leave these marks behind, one of the best battalion groups is that of Angriff.

It is a parafianowicz, who has never come out of the closet, but Selensky, who sees the next Schritt of Lukaschenka, when he is in the trap of the Kursk, for a preventive struggle that can be separated. If it is perhaps so that Russia rejoices, then it is no longer so that German Belarus is a fragment of the author. The Lukaschenka regime could be destabilized, and Ukraine could settle on the Belarusian territory with Hilfe des Kalinowski regiments, a quasi-state gebilde for targeting, as Russia in other eingefronen-conflikten. While there is another country in the Kriegs-war and the destruction of NATO and the USA on the conflict-links, the chaos in the logistics sector of the Kriegs-countries and the Kriegslogistics of Russia is an idea to be able to experiment for a year. If we examine this strategy, it is ambivalent, an escalation in Belarus is a new flight and there is instability and political borders can develop, so parafianowicz in Dziennik/Gazeta Prawna.

Dziennik/Gazeta Prawna: That PiS must save

After a separation of the state selection committee PKW, the party’s financial report from the letzten-parlamentswahlkampagne, the PiS can be paid with 100 million zloty losses in the active trade in the Wirtschaftsblatt Dziennik/Gazeta Prawna. I can tell the autumn part of half of the summer. If you see the delight of 40 percent of the selection costs stattung, and a long time the delight of the state financing itself. That is where the last government party savings were promoted.

“We have a certain restrukturierungspläne eingeführt, aber es keine Entlassungen von Mitarbeitern geben”, verichern PiS-Politician in conversation with the Blatt. If you are concerned with the great size of the Wähler, remember the hint at the Präsidentschaftswahlkampagne in the coming years. The Bürgerkoalition KO-plane is active in the financing of party financing. It is best to adapt the model, in the form of the Mehrheit der Mitglieder der Staats-Wahlkommission, as quickly as possible. It is a fact that the Oberster Rechnungshof (NIK) has received the Finanzbericht from the Parteien überprüfen, so Dziennik/Gazeta Prawna.

Author: Adam de Nisau