
Ecuadorian talent cooks at Hotel Ermitage

Ecuadorian talent cooks at Hotel Ermitage

Loly Magaly Chamikit Wisuma and Geovanny Grefa Aguinda from Ecuador are free in the Ermitage Wellness & Spa hotel in a dream practice. Zum Abschluss bought his money for Ecuadorian and einheimische specialties.

The Ermitage Wellness & Spa Hotel in Gstaad-Schönried has been a partner of the Swiss Peace Organization “Kitchen without Borders” since 2023. In the framework of these projects, a solution is offered for the Ausbildungshotel in the Zwei beste Absolventinnen and Absolventen of “El Fogon” – the gastronomy school in the Ecuadorian Regenwald – an Ausbildungsplatz an. I think that the practice is such that young guests are in their thoughts in the Austausch erweitern and vertiefen.

On August 28, 20-year-old Loly Magaly Chamikit Wisuma and 25-year-old Fidel Geovanny Grefa Aguinda were then in his big Day. You dare to gain your knowledge about setting and loading guests of the Hotel Eermitage with Ecuadorian and unique specialties. Ben 31. August war then the last day your practices.

Grateful for the opportunity
“I fühle mich geehrt and bin sehr aufgeregt!”, said Loly Magaly at the Guest’s Final Meeting. ‘It is a great responsibility, but also a wonderful chance, which is its own, was with gelernt haben. I wish everything would be perfect and the guests would experience an unforgettable dinner.”

Fidel Geovanny explained his heart: «It is an important moment for one, our Leidenschaft and a cry from the heart for the presentation. We are grateful to ‹El Fogon› and the ‹Ermitage› for the opportunity, which will be there. We have learned so much and now we can finally say: We have everything!»

Ein Menü, das für Freundschaft stht
Both menus include Ceviche with Shrimp and Vegetarian Cevichocho, Rindfleisch with Chimichurri and Salsa de Mauro – all typical Ecuadorian dishes.

«Ceviche is a classic from our world, and there are many stories, but also modern works. But we also want to bring something different and the whole modern shape, because for every taste something is there. The beef court is for one of the following things, which will have a long and strong debt, while the debtor ends up in a family that has hit a grill. There is a great artistic time in which Kraft kraft products have a great friendship relationship. An art farewell and gleichzeitig a symbol for community and friendship.»

«Genseitig sehr fell gelernt»
Hotel director Romuald Bour was also full of joy: “The Austausch with Loly and Fidel was achieved for everyone. It could be that the kitchen is not being replaced.” If it is a different story, then the program with “Kitchen without borders” is fortified in the following years.

“We are very fond of Loly and Fidel. The practice is very light of the young people a real perspective in the homeland Ecuador and it is not the new professional skills that have brought many new experiences and new friendships on all border areas with the house. The project proves that one can start and find oneself in cooking without pale roots and with completely different living things on high ground”, said Silvana Lindt, Managing Director of “Cuisine sans frontières”.

Ecuadorian Botschafterin der Schweiz, Veronica Augusta Bustamante Ponce, founds a Grusswort and the Guest. They both start to integrate the young guests of Loly and Fidel, but also the Organization «Cuisine sans frontières» into their work. During the evening meeting of the «Kitchen without borders» and SRF moderator Monika Schärer.


About “Kitchen without borders”
The Regenwald is a Unesco Biosphere and protected. Dennoch emphasizes that the industry and palm oil products are located in the protected area. Indigenous groups are losing their living space. The Swiss Peace Organization “Kitchen without Borders” fights with the Kochlöffel daily. Gastronomy and tourism buy the indigenous youth a new perspective. “El Fogon” is a tasteful tourist education. The program is of the indigenous population in the region, a tourist part of the population. The schedule is an Ort of Austausches and of Empowerments for the young person.

Interview with Fidel Geovanny Grefa Aguinda and Loly Magaly Chamikit Wisuma

Loly und Fidel, Ihr seid im «Ermitage», weil hr die best Absolventen von «El Fogon», der Gastronomieschule in Ecuadorian Regenwald, seid. Who has been abolished?
Haha: Meine Schwester hat inspired. If there is a power and mirror image, Freude can bring the cost. The war is light, but it will become increasingly difficult. I would like to travel and explore the world. If I come from the Möglichkeit hörte, in Switzerland, I setzte ich my dieses Ziel fest. The path of the war heart and the fuller recovery orders, aber ich habe gelernt, my Leidenschaft and Hingabe for the Gastronomie zu useful, with these Hürden zu überwinden. Meine Eltern has my Entscheidung nicht intellects, aber I wolllte ihnen beweisen, that I with my love zum Kochen Grosses erreichen kann.

Fidel: I am very interested in gastronomy. After the Monaten have ended up in the border of Peru, my uncle from the school comes forward. I have saved everything and then happened, mich anzumelden. It is a fact that I am in love with the art of the kitchen. The program can increase the chance that my leading character develops and lives. It is a long journey from Coca to Poetini, where you have won the Sekunde. If I have not thought of it, it is not a big journey to my next würde. If I have more problems with another young human image, it is a way to go a way.

Welchen Eindruck has Ihr bis jetzt von der Schweiz? Was gefällt Euch am besten? Was hat Euch überrascht?
Haha: Everything! A photo of the organization was founded in Ecuador and took a number of photos, which are no longer visible: the laundry of the laundries, the mountain, the country. The Silent, when I wait for tomorrow, is not a war. So an inner Frieden! I see a human being on my planet. The human being is here a hilarious bereit, if he will have his own leben, it is worth helping him. It is so soft that there is a connection.

Fidel: The trust here has quickly sucked into its Bann. It is fast and it is a new family foundation. The Switzerland has a mirror in front of its eyes, who else Umwelt and Nature can be. Here is an Ordnung and Regeln, mine has fallen. If you have the feeling that life is good, it may be that I have my own will. Jeden Tag sage ich mir, dass dies a great chance. Let the cooking in the «Ermitage» be a crude art and have done it so well.

Was Ihr im «Ermitage»gelernt?
Haha: I have so often read the kitchen and the messages of targeted messages. The Präzision and the Liebe zum Detail are unclear here. Ich bin hunger nach Wissen and will everything aufsaugen! On August 1st it fell on the Swiss Essen, and in the pastry shop it was no longer noticeable. Before you can determine the overview and the detail. As soon as the counter is aware of the “Schicken”, and the individual art and art, which you can use, is fascinating. If everyone has learned something, he will be both positive and negative. The Schneiden von Gemüse, the Abschmecken, and the Druck, while they are working, have my grim geprägt.

Fidel: I have probably eaten most of the kitchen dishes, the varied salad, some are vegan and vegetarian dishes. The timely messages about a war that is a herausforderung can be read very quickly, and a mittlerweile can contain all the messages. All kitchens have a different Arbeitsweise, and the best way to learn, is a bigger damage. Before it all goes well, I can know more and discover myself, where I am.

Did the Swiss learn from Ecuador?
Fidel: The language fluctuations and openness in Miteinander’s surroundings. The Swiss is a little further away, but also heartfelt. This time, its warm world, but then the bond is grim. Before you can use the Swiss to learn products, such as fish and gemstones, and who works with the sausages.

What is his Eure Ziele?
Fidel: I can learn more and read other images. My own restaurant was my trauma, a family that was cooking. If this is the case, it is very important that others use their help and help in a certain foundation. If it is young, it is another way, so who is a chance.

Haha: I could have my own restaurant! The whole work and the swiss that are invested are so much fun. I have a plan and can twist my project – for me. If I have an administrative overview, my own restaurant will carry out its own business activities and optimization of its kitchen.

Welchen Guest/Welche Prominente Person würdet Ihr would like to visit once?
Fidel: My family! It was a fact that it was good. But also the President of Ecuador was exciting.

Haha: Chef Daniel Contreras, with me my Praktikum is gemacht habe. There is a way I can be glazed and gefördert. It was a Freude that was concerned with zurückzugeben. (mm)