
Werkschließungen und Entlassungen drhen Von dpa-AFX

Werkschließungen und Entlassungen drhen Von dpa-AFX

(new: branching)

WOLFSBURG (dpa-AFX) – The situation at European major Autobauer Volkswagen (ETR:) spitzt sich zu. Im Rahmen seines Sparprogramms schließt die Kernmarke VW You will also be able to work with your work and be able to do it without further ado, but you will also be able to do this without a fuhrungskräftetagung mitteilte. Die met de Betriebsrat geschlossene Vereinbarung zur Beschäftigungssicherung was aufgekündigt. Sie schloss betriebsbedingte Kündigungen bis 2029 aus. Arbeitnehmervertreter und Gewerkschaft zeigten sich entsetzt.

If you want to restructure the core markings of VW, this has to happen. “Also, work decisions of vehicle manufacturers and component locations can no longer be completed in the current situation without a quick engine tax.” If you plan the Stellingabbau through the alternative time and find it no longer doable, is one of the old insights that have emerged.

IG Metall und Betriebsrat machen gegen Pläne mobil

The company and the operating council can have a huge amount of resistance. The topic is “a fear of our description, standard and rates”, which is in one of the “Middenbestuiving” engagement conversations. Days will be bitter because of the weather”, so Cavallo. “With me there are no VW location closures!” Lower Saxony’s IG-Metall-Bureau leader Thorsten Gröger spoke of an “unresponsible plan”, the “basic attacks by Volkswagen are being made”.

Concrete numbers, who fell from the 120,000 couples in Germany could not, nannte VW on Nachfrage bisher nicht. If you stand your ground, the locks will be bought, but it is still no Angaben. After the operating councils in the Marken have stopped, there is talk of a vehicle factory and a component factory in Germany for simplicity.

Lower Saxony Prime Minister Stephan Weil has informed VW of the state of affairs regarding the alleged cases. If the VW enforcement authorities take up the fight against the SPD police, go to the VW Aufsichtsrat session, laut Mitteilung. VW needs to be considered for all others. Möglichkeiten zur Kostensenkung prüfen. “We are aware of the fact that the Frage einer Schließung von Standorten due to the inheritance of the Alternative Schlichtweg nicht stellt. The Landesregierung wird darauf ein Onderesonderes Augenmerk legen.”

First work completion takes more than 30 years

The last production standard has been with VW for more than 30 years: 1988 the VW closed its factory in Westmoreland in the USA. There is no VW-Werk geschlossen in Germany. Neben dem Stammwerk in Wolfsburg unterhält VW Fabriken in Hannover, Emden, Osnabrück, Braunschweig, Saltwater (ETR:), Kassel, Zwickau, Dresden and Chemnitz. Die Tochter Audi has put even more work on the Prüfstand in Brussels.

Konzernchef Oliver Blume started the Kurs with his sister company Lage. “The European car industry has its origins in one of the problems and its severity. The business environment has once again changed,” says its laut Mitteilung. Because the old millennium euro polls ended in 2026, the costs now have to increase even more if the plant sinks. “Der Gegenwind has become a strong force,” says Markenchef Thomas Schäfer laut Mitteilung. “If you don’t mind spending time and spending time with us, you will have a long-lasting experience.” If the “Handelsblatt” is one of the four billion euros, the sisters become a lot bigger.

Conflict between Blume and Betriebsrat

First you will find the office of Olive Blume before you can quickly swim and VW can put on a massive conflict with the Arbeitnehmmerseite zu. Unlike Vorgänger Herbert Diess, of regularity with the powerful Betriebsrat and another war, Blume had that he would be better with the Betriebsrat abgestimmt. The concretes of Sparmaßnahmen are in the Markenvorständen. Now ensures that Cavallo comes close, if he is directly in the discussion on the Mark-einzingen. The problem of the core is the end of the problem of the problems.

Volkswagen’s core market has lasted years with higher costs and lies with the Rendet with hints from manufacturers such as Skoda, Seat and Audi. In 2023, the Spar program was brought here, which spent one million euros in 2026. Among other things, personal costs in sales have fallen by 20 percent. Beim Personalabbau setzte VW bisher auf Altersteilzeit and Abfindungen, entsprechende Program wurden im Frühjahr nor final ausgeweitet und 900 Millionen Euro for Abfindungen of up to 474,000 Euro for especially long-serving Mitarbeiter zurückgelegt.

Sinkende Verkaufszahlen, der stockende Hochlauf der Elektromobilität und neuen Konkurrenz aus China machen der Branche insgesamt to buy. At VW we achieved a success after the first half year 14 months ago, at Mercedes-Benz (ETR:) sogar um quickly 16 Prozent. BMW (ETR:) deserves to sweat Quartal eight Prozent weniger. Der Zulieferer ZF-kündigte nach een Gewinnrückgang an, bis Ende 2028 in Deutschland zwischen 11,000 und 14,000 Stellen zu streichen. Continental (ETR:) schwächelndes Autozuliefergeschäft woman will completely abspalt and bring one that Börse.