
Fast food – Purgstall: “Mäcki”-Baustelle in Zeitplan

Fast food – Purgstall: “Mäcki”-Baustelle in Zeitplan

It is a great pleasure to report from the construction site of the McDonald’s Restaurants on LB 25 near the Purgstaller Praterschlucht. During the construction, Robert Dulguerov of the professional construction of McDonald’s Franchise GmbH told with his full in the time plan, at the end of this month, in the Wetterlage, the man of the restaurant was able to open.

“The ground floor has been shifted, the Fertigteil-Außenmauern since the installation – the Rohbau is still robust,” reports Dulguerov: “Sobald wie möglich weber die beauftragten Firmen mit dem Ausbau begin.” As new is the Haustechnik – Wasser, Lüftung und Heizung dran, Then the Trockenbauwände were drawn up.

The fertile family wants it to be like that, in the typical McDonald’s look, when individuals go out, praise. “The furniture became bigger, they used a fresh and modern design, the art in Austria was first used by Mal”, Robert Dulguerov tells. “It is proud of the big ones to be very cozy.”

McDonald's Rohbau is a success

So continue with the new Filiale. Operator Wolfgang Heindl is personal.

Karin Katona