
NSM released Standard Blu-ray of “Sherlock Holmes and the Halsband des Todes” in October

NSM released Standard Blu-ray of “Sherlock Holmes and the Halsband des Todes” in October

In July 2023, NSM released the crime classic “Sherlock Holmes and the Collar of Death” in a limited Mediabook Edition, which was very popular with fans of legendary detectives. The film, from 1962, starred Christopher Lee as Sherlock Holmes, Thorley Walters as Dr. Watson, as did Hans Söhnker, Hans Nielsen and Senta Berger in other roles, which appeared in three different Mediabook editions. This DVD player provides access to a 24-page booklet.

Non hat NSM opened on October 31, 2023 with a standard Blu-ray version of the films veröffentlicht wird. This version is identical to the Mediabook Blu-ray and offers high-quality picture and sound quality that includes all the extras, offers from the Mediabook and the booklet.

For collectors and film fans who can watch the limited edition, it is a refreshing opportunity, the film in its Blu-ray collection is very much.

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