
Live Poker | Spielbank Berlin: Ansturm on 25k Stack

Live Poker | Spielbank Berlin: Ansturm on 25k Stack

On September 1, the war became €70 + 10 25k Stack at the Spielbank Berlin on Potsdamer Platz with a Kassenschlager, a deal played by Turnier.

For the €70+10 buy-in you start with 25,000 chips, the blinds increase every 15 minutes. 144 entries came together and so there was €10,080 in Pot.

There are 15 children in addition to Money, € 170 gab is like Min-Cash. If you get a discount of €2,830 you can find a deal. The Sieger cashier is € 1,895, the Shortstack nor € 930.

With €70 + 10 Survivor it will be played at 18:55 on the table, with 25,000 chips and 15 minutes levels, tickets will be issued directly in the Spielbank from 17:15. All details of Pokerangebot and of the Pokerturnieren can be found on the website

*Seit Inkrafttreten der DSGVO veröffentlicht de Spielbank Berlin keine Spielernamen

Place First name Surname Advantage money Agreement
1 Player 1 2.830 € 1.895 €
2 Player 2 1,745 € 1.855 €
3 Player 3 1.260€ 1,645 €
4 Player 4 925€ 1.125 €
5 Player 5 690€ 930€
6 Player 6 525€
7 Player 7 405€
8 Player 8 320€
9 Player 9 255€
10 Player 10 205€
11 Player 11 205€
12 Player 12 205€
13 Player 13 170€
14 Player 14 170€
15 Player 15 170€