
The Tennis Club feierte seinen 50. Geburtstag – Einsiedler Anzeiger

The Tennis Club feierte seinen 50. Geburtstag – Einsiedler Anzeiger

In the context of the 50th anniversary, war was fought for the tennis clubs in the cultural and congress center of Zwei Raben. The war is spicked with a number of informative heights for August and ohr, and a culinary experience that promotes the stay at your expense.

“It’s a great guest, everything is ready!”, the guest George zurbuchen after a program that attracts attention and the nail that is affected on the head is damned. Diesem Kommpliment sich nämlich durchs Band die 150 gutgelaunten Besucher des Jubileumsabends zum 50-jährigen Besthen from Tennisclubs Einsiedeln am vergangen Samstag an.

Prepared the creative and creative decoration of the Tische, shaped by Mary Hungerbühler, combined an inladen atmosphere, and the beginning of a herrschte a cooler Mood one of the most common presences of your Alters. Hit after hit now follows a Mark the others. As administrator and in the breiter-einsiedler-munt by the last experience of Benno Kälin, who was active at TCE, he would have started with his ten Grussbotschaft on the Grossleinwand. Landammann and Sports Minister of the Cantons of Schwyz, Michael Stähli, does not want to take, personally the TCE to his Jubilee to gratulate! I have never been so happy with the TCE Mitglieder über de Worte from René Stammbach, President of Swiss Tennis, dare to thank the Association to a Fund of the Swiss Associations and diesem Abend eeninige Flaschen Wein more zum Feiern genehmigen!

Rightful Stolz at the initiators The idea of ​​that group clash, when coming up with ideas with Wendy Holdener, Viktorija Golubic or Heinz Günthardt, can focus on the cooperation with the Sportszene zu Wort, how Benno Kälin and the OK President Abends, Stefan Kälin, are treated. This hat of the video journalist is included in a news report of TeleZüri zur Geschichte and his anniversary of the TCE, which is real and is being developed professionally.

The main character in this production was the funggründungsmitglieder, the sechste, Walter Lacher, war schon früh versterben. If you are concerned with herrlich erfrischende and ehrliche kunst and with stones, who the Tennisclub Einsiedeln iststanden ist. I think that I can not laugh with Anecdotes and a little in the Audience while Herzen expresses a Laugh and spontaneous Applause. So meinte Max Fuchs said: «Er is een müesse es Planli Zeichne», and he said that this project would quickly and quickly become a bureaucratic obstacle in the future. If the Unterstützung, in the financial overview, in the Bevölkerung of Einsiedeln begins, an inexplicable war begins and the conviction is aroused that Clubs are more incomprehensible, as other people say. It is a fact that the TCE of Anfang is a small association for the ‘mehrbessere’, a popular sport for all einsiedler are sollte. A wreath for the Genossame Dorf-Binzen After a gang with the Salat Benno Kälin dared to bite all the bad presidents and the active president, Marlene Kälin, on the stage. In an exciting and fun talk round the many moderators of the moderator are involved, about the costs of the TCE history and how the anlage has further developed. Especially that erwähnung deserves to enter the Genossame Dorf-Binzen, because the big projects will first implement this project as soon as possible. Former president Sepp Gehrig quickly and aptly summarized the Mood in TCE schön and aptly: «We have super comrades and a wonderful camaraderie! » I have written and commented on part of the Sondersendung zum 50-Jahr-Jubiläum beim ersten Beitrag wohl bei the meisten der alteren Generation Erinnerungen wach, but Bilder and Szenen of both overschwemmungen aus the Year 1984 and 2021.

Lots of heartfelt laughter and sympathetic Mitgefühl hinge the Aufnahmen von Thuri Füchslin during the 20th anniversary of the year. The love for Ruedi Oberholzer and Manuela Maleeva-Fragnière a show match, which the Einsiedler clearly lost, was a brutal gewurmt habe.

How about getting used to it?

Care with feinem-geschnetzeltem, Spätzli and Gemüse is now, the Hirnzellen are active. Stefan Kälin, head of the entire anniversary program, was grateful with a big applause, he had created an interactive quiz about the TCE. Do you have a new idea, if you start with booking your hotel in the hotel, or if you want to buy a woman who wants to recruit a Frank in the Coin machines, damn man at Dunkelheit jewels who play 20 minutes? The Routiniers, who with their Antworten and the Spitze setzten, dare as a Promise a hübschen Preis in Empfang nehmen.

This program is very good and it is a combination of different programs and it is a matter of relaxation and fun episodes. The man can take the cost of a service in the United States.

The mood on the high point with the heartfelt honor, the thanks and the appreciation of the funf Founder’s facilitators for his gross commitment by the turbulent President Marlene Kälin was the abwechslungsreiche Evenendprogramm abrogundet. It is never the case that Andy Keller of the Marlene family and Stefan Kälin in one of the big prizes for the great applause and the thanks of the TC thanks to the great applause in the hall.

Benno Kälin, who has made one of the best Jobs and has worked with his own films, is war, war is allowed, nor the letzten program in the form of a purer Unterhaltung, who is there, is played: musical Unterhaltung with the famous Swiss Band «Soul Jam». The three energetic singers, who have shown the SRF tag show speaker Cornelia Bösch, and the Power Musician, that the Einsiedler Ivan Birrer and 30 years bald has become by the rude George Klee, his audience of the Sitzen and ten of the Stimmung in Saal zum Kochen. It is a fact that the Einsiedler Tennis Club Mitglieder on the stage blows and overplays in his music can be zum Besten gaben. A proper work to complete the work is complete!

From left: Max Fuchs, Koni Sprenzinger and Walter Kälin stossen at the 50th anniversary. Photos: Marlies Mathis / Maja Grebe

Benno Kälin, the celebrated anniversary film producer, together with Gründungsmitglied Franz Kälin and Marlene Kälin.

A tennis club floating in the air, that is no longer with the Schläger you want to erase.

Look at the young generation celebrating the anniversary year.

Fell loose in the foyer of the Zwei Raben during the anniversary of TC Einsiedeln.