
That’s bad news on sunny days

That’s bad news on sunny days

Die Sonne, de Himmel is blue, EVERYTHING is draußen and you now want to bleiben in Bett and watch Trash-TV. And zack; that is bad news. Sunshine Guilt eliminates the phenomenon – and that is nothing more.

Die Sonne shines, as gabe es keinen Morgen. Strahlend blauer Himmel, there is not a cloud in Sicht. It’s time for children’s play and laughter, the grill that uses the grill and is a real damn gut … On Instagram: Dutzende Stories of friends, who is an egg, sitting in the park – and so wonderfully sleep in. And you? If you are sitting on the couch, you have sucked in the jealousy of the Anschlag herunter and you never want to curb it again (for all that you don’t have fun!) and then watch Mal Sex and the City. It is a softness: the bad Gewissen. Eine Stimme writes: Geh raus and genß de Sonne! The other one: Bleib’ bloß im Bett, das ist das Enzige, was du willst. A freer tag, if you want to be so great with Essen order, if you have played a game in a series, it can not last longer at all.

Does this scenario seem familiar to you in any way? If it does and you are white, it might be worth your while to know what you want, if you don’t want that? Then Sunshine Guilt is secretly spoken of – wovon?

Was it Sunshine Guilt?

It was a German debt mountain that was a ‘Sonnenscheinschuld’. The phenomenon describes the Gefühl von Reue, bad knowledge or shame, which is an outcome, when a man stays a beautiful day with sunshine in his house and the good weather does not come out. Sunshine Guilt feeling was often hit and it was vergeuden or verpas. Before we are all in Frühling, when the son has no more war for a month, the Sonnenscheinschuld will probably fall. A little FOMO, coupled with Bed Rotting and Schamgefühlen – not a nice combination.

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Sunshine Guilt on TikTok

But first of all; you are not alone with your Sunshine Guilt! On TikTok, the first time the concept becomes popular – and eventually a Word or something like that. Sustained, the many feelings. The user @thereneereina, who describes this confession of guilt in his manifesto: “I think that conscious pressure, a spacing of the machine and the science of the mind, and think that the time that this time is, that is a strange draußen its sollte, will be. That is my day ruined.” With my video, she confirms that many concoctions and five useful ones in the guilt feeling. If you spend the herbs and the winter, you can best do what you want to do if you find one of the best ways to use the tag in your home.

How does Sunshine Guilt come about?

Many would become more, much less, of this painful homesickness if there weren’t a single Second to the Garden to enjoy the sun. Is that true and who has Sunshine Guilt? Dr. Nadia Teymoorian, a psychologist at Moment of Clarity Mental Health Centers in California, has quoted the American magazine Bustle, with Sunshine Guilt in the connection with FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). Hopefully, everyone else will be doing their best to enjoy themselves – while they push through and our time is not optimal.

Kevin Belcastro, Therapist at the Mental Health Center of San Diego, has reached the hustle and bustle of the day, the normative standard is a large role that can play and the sunshine guilt in the relationship with high erwartungen. If the Gefühl exists, a self will be chosen, which compensates the high gesellschaftliche standards, which a self chosen as Norm-gesetzt has, never a solution. If there is only one thing that (even if it is the weather) has a negative image, there is a stigma in society – a greater experience that is then spread by the weather. It is possible that the nutrition comes from the teething problems. Although it is all better, nor our muttering in Ohr, it will be that it is so good that it is so good.

If you are a bigger user* in your life, while the average nature is still strengthening, and for the human being, who can experience no social stress and more mental stress, the stress and the enormous pressure will increase. Highest time also, that we do not let ourselves lose the sun from the weather! Ironically, it is not that it gets better … The need has become clear and the impact will be great.

Was kann man a Sunshine Guilt tune?

You have never made a mistake, you have no Versagerin, you have not forgotten the Day! If you are aware of the fact that you have another acquaintance, this is one of the most important things: Laut Belcastro has found another way, which has its own energy reserves that have been used up. Während is a private energy company, Sonnenschein and Gesellschaft of tanks, brauchen andere einfach Me-time in Form von drinnen on Bett leugende Trash-TV over schauen. It is a full-fledged business.

Psychologist Nadia Teymoorian no longer works on feelings of guilt, and is tempted to search for them, to amuse themselves. Stattdessen are a man who focuses on “self-care and their own beds and priorities in the household”. If you think about the following things, you can think of the following: “Think that you think that your own guilt is writing, that they also die of the Wahl and that they are in the low sin, a feeling of the Ausgeglichenheit and des Glücks zu schaffen”, so Teymoorian. If you take into account the glückliche inner tensions, which base your own bed rest, zu krieren. If you have reached the 30 degrees Celsius Day in the Bachelor’s chase, it is stopping to reach the age, it was a great time to recharge your batteries!

The everyday and light path of life can take a few hours for us to stop … The roads here are 16 small ones, with the same idea for this collection, which can be so positive about your Psyche and Wohlbefinden:

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