
In Zeichen von Fashion und Kulinarik: Freiburg turns into a Festival – Region & Country

In Zeichen von Fashion und Kulinarik: Freiburg turns into a Festival – Region & Country

In Zeichen von Mode und Kulinarik: Freiburg turns into a festival

Beim Fashion and Food Festival became local einzelhandler and fashion labels with active collections. Photo: Rainer Muranyi

In the inner city, on September 27 and 28, at the Rahmen des „Fashion and Food Festivals“, zählreiche Aktionen geboot. It is a fashion store to see how it looks. Food Trucks from the region were also present in their special offer.

“The combination of fashion and food is evil,” said Geschäftsführerin der Freiburger Wirtschaftsförderung Hanna Böhme. The Freiburger Fashion and Food Festival takes place on Freitag 27. and Samstag, 28. September, in the third Aflage. The program, if it lasts more than 150 activities, will probably be less good in the core of Innenstadt. It is more than 60 Modeschauen geben.