
Unfall in Saxony: Two days after the recovery with the police | Regional

Unfall in Saxony: Two days after the recovery with the police | Regional

Torgau (Saxony) – Deadly end of a persecution hunt in North Saxony. On the run from the police a young man (26) was in control of a Skoda. There is a real Baum. The man and his Beifahrerin (20) don’t stand a great chance.

A series of police actions Saxony war in Samstag, at about 4.35 am, on the B87 bridge over the Elbe in Torgau and a Skoda Superb fell. Die Kennzeichen were entstamtt. Eine Abfrage ergab: „Sie gehörten auch an else’s vehicle“, so Polizeisprecherin Susanne Lübcke zu BILD.


Einsatzkräfte van Polizei and Feuerwehr am Einsatzort

Photo: Torgau Fire Brigade

Die Streife schaltete Blaulicht und die Leuchtschrift „Stopp Police“Ein. But the ignorant police officer Fahrer dies, gab Gas. There is a problem with the B183 zu.

Tödlicher Unfall am Ortsausgang

The Streife nahm de Verfolgung auf. Der Raser wechselte the Bundesstraße, go through the Örtchen Werdau (near Torgau). After the police in the Ortschaft were at the pace for a while, the Flüchtigen lost from the Augen.

For both successful auto-inserts, you can save money (Symbol photo)

Before they both verunglückten Auto-Insassen comb Hilfe zu spät

Photo: Torgau Fire Brigade

The Ortsausgang is safe in the light of the question: The Skoda war has an überhöhter shift in a jurisdiction after the couplings of the Fahrbahn abgekommen. There has been a war that has a great force, which enters into battle and wages war over the landed country.

Rettungskräfte bargen nach dem Undo both die in the crash of the car. The notarzt can no longer participate in the Tod festivities. Die Bundesstraße 183 near Torgau remained completely closed. Die Polizei ermittelt.