
Bad Homburg: Great Verstandnis für Security Controls

Bad Homburg: Great Verstandnis für Security Controls

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Bad Homburg: Great Verstandnis für Security Controls
Traditionally, the views of the Highlights of the Rummels am Heuchelbach are followed by the Wahrzeichen of the Homburger Laternenfests. The Samstagnachmittag is no longer part of the Hitze. © mr

The traditional Volksparty is concluded with Hitze Zehntausende on Festplatz and -meile. An end to this period is that Livemusik, popular music, the Spätsommerwetter and the best Laune-ziemlich voll. It is not that the Sicherheit is a small item.

Bad Homburg – „Do you have the Spitze dabei?”, fragment from the Mitarbeiterin des Sicherheitsdiensten, which has a neon yellow Warnwest-trägt, and a single prüfenden Blick in the Umhängetasche der Laternenfest-Besucherin, which this willing öffnet. “Augentropfen, Haarbürste, das war’s”, erklärt de Besucherin in dunkelblauen Kleid, de gemeinsam mit ihrer Begleitung auf de Festplatz am Heuchelbach möchte.

The sun is blasting on the morning of Saturday afternoon in Bad Homburg from heaven, while it is not the last day of August, nor in high summer, but the time of the Zeitpunkt is security key, the entire road from the main road to Rummel bewachten, from the Dietigheimer out, take your Job seriously – heat him, sunburn her. Everyone fell out of the water, the power is a fact, the recommendations you can make are your control. „Stopp, …“, „Entschuldigung!“ – just run to the festival site, don’t clap. If you have stirred up the fear, it is a Bad Homburger, your elf can still wear a dusty hat. When the stainless steel and glass drinking bottles are no longer mixed with the Rummel, the barrels, the bottles and the side are put away. The tension drinks the contents out – enough water is particularly important today -, “I am not worried about that, it is no longer good anyway”, murmurs the Bad Homburger. Before the mass intake said the following: “I thought it was good, it was for the certainty that this would happen. And if I think it is so bad that I can do it so well, if man can no longer, then it is a passion, if one of the things is a challenge. ” Stadt lobt: “It is after the Messer-Anschlägen besser, irgendetwas for the Security of the People’s Festival zu tun, as gar nichts zu machen.“ Auch am Freitagabend sei is with the Tochter schon über the Rummel gone. “Besser said: We would be durchgeschoben, as full as it was. It was such a Jugendliche at the Festplatz! Jetzt is not beautiful. Aber die Beleuchtung abends ist schon sehenswert.”

So an insight into the Bad Homburger, which has not only a problem, is a certainty on the night question. If you have used the inhaled vistas, it is not woolen, first after a more malicious order and a discussion it has come a little after. There are a few other potential possibilities and it seems that the man has received the message from the young Mann. „Vorhin haben wir jemanden mit einer Gartenschere weggeschickt.“

Family attraction Riesenrad

On the Rummelplatz is everything you can see during the Homburger festival. Two girls, Teenie-Alter, stop laughing with Slush-Eis, laugh in the hand room and snap selfies. A Mutter poses with both of their children in arms, so the man can take the handy photo, with the rising, traditionally one of the highlights of the festivity, in the background. Gesagt, getan, danach desires die Frau das Mobiltelefon: “Wenn es nicht gut zijnt, machen wir es noch mal”, übertönt sie die Geräuschkulisse: a wild music mix from the Fahrgeschäften ringsum, unterlegt with the Sprüchen der Recommandeure, garniert with Freudigen Schreien . A natural sparrow or vater is neither a photo cutout.

It is wonderful to eat schnitzel-beeren, crêpe-teig and more refined bratwurst, when another family buys tickets for a trip on the Riesenrad. If the Euro for Nase, celebrate your Child, but Laternenfest is only once a year, with the self-understanding rise here all zu. It is always the case that Eltern with his little daughters and sons, sit the night in the gondolas.

The guideline was first used at the Hitze, the Ticket sales in the glass Cabinet, as the power of the government, on the roads of leisure. Around 14 o’clock some driving companies have therefore also closed. It is a credible “Break Dancer”, one of the most slender places, some frontrunner, and the “Drop Zone”, a Freifallturm for children, which is just as good. “Now clean, who else will ride!”, shows from the boxes, short there travel four youngsters the poor in the Höhe, if they have fallen. On other pages of the festivities is a dark brown Mittfünfziger two young children a few steps in front of. „This is the best I can ever have!”, it says in Richtung Becken with the over-dimensionierten Wasserbällen, in den een Junge and kleines Mädchen with Pferdeschwanz and Stofftier herumkullern. The Teenie-Tochter is going through the eyes and the trio more, but there is still nothing “for the big one”: The 80 meters above the Freifallturm “SkyFall”, there on the Festplatz in the Himmel-ragt and all the views on their own. Be that as it may, faster, quicker – with the Rummel you will be able to move quickly.

The most important note for the Festplatz is: Good things can be bought so, so hard at the traditional raffle of the Lions Club Bad Homburg. 25,000 losses – for a euro, the longer – was a man who had a son who brought in people, estimates Lions finance chief Christian Kuhn. “We are very satisfied with the resolution.” Kuhn laughs: “At twenty o’clock the sale went wild. A lady stands in four places for a carefree world.”

Viele Stammkunden treasures the Tombola. Since 1994, since 1994, you will find out more about this year – you won’t miss any of the prizes awarded: Vom Restaurant-Gutschein bis 3000 Euro for E-Bike. Erlös flies in the social projects of Lions, kommt Kindern mit Behinderung, Schülern and Senioren zugute. Man don’t have a party, but it’s still a good experience – it’s clear: “That’s the greatest experience that we can live in.” After all, there are 80 nice voices, with 50 active activities. Lossverkauf, Ausschank des eigen gebrauten Festbiers: „Ohne die Familien würden wir es nicht purchase.“

Spitze Gegenstände, Glass and Edelstahlflaschen are prohibited, Taschen and Rucksäcke check the Security Service: Wer auf the Festplatz möchte, muss befolgen befolgen, was vale Besucher begrüßen.
Spitze Gegenstände, Glass and Edelstahlflaschen are prohibited, Taschen and Rucksäcke check the Security Service: Wer auf the Festplatz möchte, muss befolgen befolgen, was vale Besucher begrüßen. © mr
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