
Live Bands – Musikverein Forchtenstein for “Rock the Garden”

Live Bands – Musikverein Forchtenstein for “Rock the Garden”

Rock the garden 2024

“LoveHead” is one of the bands playing at Rock the Garden by the Forchtenstein music association.


Am Samstagabend strömten unzählige Gäste in the Garten des Musikerheims Forchtenstein, a talented and emerging bands from the region during “Rock the Garden” 2024 live on the stage to see.

Mount Cinema Band – Reloaded, LoveHead, Cupiditas and SubTerra were the headliners of the diesjährige Veranstaltung. With a mix of own compositions of songs and cover songs, bands are often brought together in the night with rock music under the music.

The children of the Showdance Group Forchtenstein had a turn-around in the big Auftritt. As fans of “Rock the Garden” know, it is worth using “Rock the Garden” for the “Schopp the Garden”, also the Frühschoppen in Saturday.

Die Kinder der Showdancegruppe Forchtenstein

Auftritt “Mount Cinema Band – Reloaded”

The band “LoveHead”