
Report – Frankfurter Flughafenlotsen im Einsatz: Hinter den Kulissen der Flugsicherung

Report – Frankfurter Flughafenlotsen im Einsatz: Hinter den Kulissen der Flugsicherung

Frankfurter Flughafenlotsen im Einsatz: Hinter den Kulissen der Flugsicherung, © dpa, F. Rumpenhorst

Ground clearance in the new tower at Frankfurt/Main Airport

© dpa, F. Rumpenhorst

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In the tower of the Frankfurt Airport, during the holiday season, high operation is taking place. The Fluglotsen work in a concentrated atmosphere, a reibungslosen and a large German Airport are gewährleisten. While the intensive communication with the pilots takes place on a central role, the flight is as good as the people in Boden on schützen. One of the things that happens in the reausforderungen and the following situations is that the witterverzögerungen end up in the Notfällen and the bordrijk.

The atmosphere in the tower of the Frankfurt Airport is dampened, one can look at the pictures and work places. During the holiday period it was more of a message from Sören Kratz.

The 34th anniversary is more than a year ago at the Deutschen Flugsicherung (DFS). From the Seinem Arbeitsplatz in round 70 meters above the four main and national railways, which offers a comprehensive panoramic view of the Hessian landscape.

Zeit, de schönen Blick in Richtung Feldberg oder Odenwald zu genßen, hät de Lotsen allerdings nicht. In most cases it is normal that you will make a splash from the An- and Abflug to the major German Flughafen tomorrow morning.

At 5:00 in the morning the night flight ends, after which it begins and is landed. Möglich dies until 23:00 hours, then until 24:00 hours a Genehmigung is ordered. Your eight lots have begun in the Kanzel of the Towers.

You hear the radio traffic with the pilots. A whiter hat for the care of the dishes, it was worth washing the tickets.

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