
Symptom of the Labor Market Crisis: Zwölf Todesfälle bei Einstellungsprüfung in Indische

Symptom of the Labor Market Crisis: Zwölf Todesfälle bei Einstellungsprüfung in Indische

Symptom of the crisis on the labor market
Zwölf Todesfälle at Einstellungsprüfung in Indische

In this case, you can deal with sports setting tests for positions in the police service died. The administration of the service is a service that supports the vorfallen in the federal state of Jharkhand. The deaths are symptomatic of the severe labor market crisis in the country: The same young men are put on a round 500,000 Bewerbern, which are connected to only 583 couples.

You can go to the extremes of the Tropical Region of Jharkhand in the mountains. Whoever received the message “Times of India” tells us that the Krankenhauseinweisungen roads inform new Blutdrucks about dehydration. In this Leit article the report of the Todesfälle is described as a “Symptom” of the highest probability. “That is not a matter of law. That is the survival of our lives – that chance means that our life is safe.”

When it comes to the development of the Volkswirtschaft der Welt and the funggrößte. But the population region of the country has a large number of people, happy occupations and good employment opportunities for millions of people. Jharkhand has one of the highest Arbeitslosen- und Armutsquoten des Landes auf.

Registration jobs, which are charged themselves, are not so good, and there are regular reports on the subject, which are extremely difficult. The situation is just as good as Corruption Tür und Tor. If you are still in debt, the best money you earn is and that is a job that is safe. Also for test results with hard fought recovery costs can fly high sums.