
“Bares für Rares”-Besuch entpuppt sich als Fiasko

“Bares für Rares”-Besuch entpuppt sich als Fiasko

A mistake is automatically made. Entsprechend dared two Uhren purchased in France bei “Bares für Rares” to be purchased. If you have to pay the price that is young, the taste of the food changes, soft drinks on the Ende kein Vermögen on the Habenseite stand.

Gabriele Nause from Berlin came after Frankreich in the Urlaub and discussed some Antikmarkt. So for a few years, if you sit two hours in an August field, you can buy an amount of 450 Euro. There are now reports in the USA that an Obolus is offered for the travel organization. Entsprechend machte sich sympathetic web designer on the way through the Republic to Cologne and presentation of your Treasures at “Bares für Rares”.

Expert Dr. Heide Rezepa-Zabel war of the Zeitmessern expensive, must all festivities, it is a decorative nachbauten that original trade makes possible. If you make a trip, there is no problem, the taxi ride is set at 250 euros, from 20 years. Years of French Wanduhr are the leader of the bag and it was different. Were a etwa 100 Jahre alteres Original, so würde si bis 20,000 Euro im Verzielen können. As a Replik lag ihr Val between 400 and 600 Euro. Kein Wunderschnäppchen on the Flohmarkt also, the Händlerkarte wollte Gabriele Nause aber dennoch entgegennehmen, schließlich lag ihr Wunschpreis nur 50 Euro über dem Betrag, it is one of the first for the Uhren ausgab. If you set the price for an original night, this is not the case.

Bars for rare hours
Zwar deals no more than a 20-Mark Wecker from the GDR, a 20,000-Euro firecracker on a niece. © ZDF

650 Euro to take with you in a small Happy End

At the end of the day Wolfgang Pauritsch gets 650 Euro for both an amount of 20,000 Euro and for Dr. Heide Rezepa-Zabel a premium of an amount of 850 Euro is paid, while 150 Euro is paid even more if the prize is paid. Das Geld also walked into the Urlaubskasse and am Ende überwiegt de Freude. We wish Gabriele Nause in the USA a delicious sauce. Even more Money goes into these falls. In the video you will find the tenth pieces from “Bares für Rares”

“Bares für Rares” runs weekly at 15:05 on ZDF, Reinstatement airs on ZDF Neo at 10:55 and at 19:20. The concept is never transient. People with Gabriele Nause read their explanation of the Sachverständigen and then feel a prize in the Handlerraum.

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Wasn’t even a passion for “Bares für Rares”, experience here

Sammelt your antiques or nur Schrott? Test our Erase in the “Bares für Rares” Quiz:

Teste dein „Bares für Rares“-Wissen: Bist du Schrottsammler or der Antiquitäten-Händler?

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