
Gartentage und Märkte in Illertissen: Nochmals auftanken vor Herbstbeginn

Gartentage und Märkte in Illertissen: Nochmals auftanken vor Herbstbeginn

If the housework and the practice of the spatsommers are fun, life will come at a cost. Am Samstag and Sonntag close the written Illertisser Gartentage on the Jungviehweide, nebenan winks Attractions on the Illertisser Baum- and Kunstpfad and in the Innenstadt breitet sich der Kraut- and Rubenmarkt on the Schrannenplatz aus. Regulations and free shuttle buses connect the transformations together, which provide an all-year-old height of the Gartenstadt Illertissen images. The market times at the Schrannenplatz are open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and on the Sunday evening from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. anyway, the Sunday evening from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. is available.

The jewelery sold in September has been on the Jungviehweide since the first years of 1998 and inherited under the blumigen Names “Illertisser Gartenlust” among the larger Zuspruchs. Gleich zu Anfang zogen die Förster in adjacent Wald with a bare inheritance of the Lückenschluss with the city Kraut- and Rubenmarkt. Die Gartenstadt Illertissen war born. During the Corona pandemic, man has moved into the Western world, said Staudengärtner Dieter Gaißmayer. Dem war Erfolg beschieden, auch der new Name drückt dies aus: Denn nun found de written Illertisser Gartentage statt.

Gartentage and Kraut- and Rübenmarkt in Illertissen

The Schrannenplatz is oriented towards the Rathaus on the Kraut- and Rübenmarkt towards the Forum for the many Markttreiben. The Schranne itself can be found on the Bücherflohmarkt of the Lions Club Illertissen, which serves the good cause, as well as the Kofferflohmarkt. Both have charm, which makes a new purchase possible. If you pay a price for soft drinks, Flohmarkt-Bummlerinnen and -bummler at your expense.

On the market in the free time with round 40 Ausstellern, Händlern and Vereinen can be financed garden and art lovers. Geboten are arts and crafts, but also beautiful and useful for home and garden. The deferred tribes are taken directly from the illertissen or from the next environment. Speis and Trank are regional and with a big power struggle, when the vereinen themselves will present themselves.

The Shuttlebus works as a Ring Line. There is a lot of fun at the Bahnhof at the Rathaus zum Parkplatz Schlossallee, weiter zu Jungviehweide, at the Park-&-Ride-Platz am Festplatz and at the zurück at Bahnhof. Gegenüber des Festplatz-Parkplatzes can be found in the Sparkassen-Arena of the DAV-Sektion Illertissen. The Kletterturm can last for years, on Samstag from 2 p.m. the final ride is free. Cost-free, a Diesem Tag can be installed in July as Vereinshaus’s new official Adler.

An overview of the program on the Jungviehweide:

  • Illertisser Gartentage on the Jungviehweide: Veranstalter is de Staudengärtnerei Gaißmayer, unterstützt von der Stiftung Gartenkultur und ihren Förderern. With 80 visitors, a stattliche Warenvielfalt has been created on the basis of the Museums anyway of the Staudengärtnerei. It is a matter of trading in South Tyrol with my Aushängeschild Rudolf Kerschbamer and the blessing “Chili-Vielfalt” (Samstag, 16 Uhr). Gaißmayer bezeichnet in als Allinstellungsmerkmal der Illertisser Gartentage. When the South Tyrolean finds himself in the state of nature with hot air products, breads, greenhouses or wines, their own lifestyle dies. So let’s go public with information about knowledge, art and culture.
  • Visit the museum: Das Universe der Krabbelviecher incl. Tierschau (Samstag, 10 Uhr/Sonntag, 11 Uhr), Nonplusultra-Pflanzen für den Insektengarten (Samstag, 11 Uhr/Sonntag, 12 Uhr), Gräber bepflanzen im Einklang mit der Natur (Samstag, 12 Uhr/Sonntag , 10 Uhr), Hopfen – more like a Kletterpflanze (Samstag, 13 Uhr/Sonntag, 15 Uhr), Kleine Garteneiche in Kübel und Co. (Samstag, 14 Uhr/Sonntag, 13 Uhr), Klimafeste Rosen (Samstag 15 Uhr), Frau Hagebutte, nee Rose (Sonntag 14 Uhr).
  • Garden language in the Glass House: You trade with a new format, which is based on publications and corporate words. Diskettes would be about the Nachhaltigkeit im Garten (Sonntag, 12 to 13 Uhr) about Rosen and in Anbau (Sonntag, 12 to 13 Uhr). Interestingly, the status of the Edelrosen became more in the Wild- and Strauchrosen or historical gradings, such as Gaißmayer white. With a look at my orange light Früchte says: “I am the life of the rose with two high points, the blue and the hedgehog.”
  • Directions: Staudengärtnerei (on both days at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., at the same time at 4 p.m.), Museum Gardens (jeweils at 2 p.m. and 15 p.m.), Kunstausstellung “Der Erde so nah” in der Staudengärtnerei (jeweils at 15 p.m.).
  • Floristry in glass: Schönes aus Stauden (Samstag, 10 Uhr), Gerüststräuße (Sunntag, 10 Uhr), Sortenschau Schnittstauden voor dem Glashaus. Gaißmayer concreted, because the theme “Slowflower” and more were included in the Blick. Treating a flowering venture can promote the growth of the fungus in the region through pests and poisons.
  • Musical Award: Doppelter Binokel (Samstag, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.), Luca – Pop Acoustic (Sonntag, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.), Mundart und Klamauk with Joe Brösele (jeweils from 12 to 3 p.m.), Gong-Klang-Konzerte with Thomas Blodig (Sonntag, 12 hours).
  • Activities for young and old: One of the two Tagen is Angebote wie Naturgärtnern, Rosenpflege, Schauschmieden, Filzen or Drucken.
  • Pavilion in the forest: Information about indoor construction at Illertisser Baum- und Kunstpfad (Sunday 2 p.m.), Führung zu Gastbaumarten im Klimawandel (Sunday 14 p.m.), Forest trail, Waldquiz, Infos zur Waldpflege (Sunday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.).