
Taylor Swift: I’m Prinz Harry – I’m getting a royal Eskorte

Taylor Swift: I’m Prinz Harry – I’m getting a royal Eskorte

The Eliteeinheit der Metropolitan Police protects the King’s House, the State House, the Prime Minister, the Royal Würdenträger and the Spitzendiplomats. Now it is the case that American singer Taylor Swift (34) has acquired the financial support of Blaulicht for the American show in London’s Wembley Stadium.

Prinz Harry is the Security Service that no longer cares about his return

Who “The Sun” reports, the Labor Party of Scotland Yard will try to “press”, Swift at the Londoner Stage his “Eras” Tour that begins. As a Grund, Security Considerations were generated by a Vereitelten Selbstmordanschlags at Swift’s Vienna Concerts in August. There is one thing that catches Strich’s attention: Prinz Harry (40). In my opinion, it would be a good idea to have a clear understanding of the duties of the Security Service, but we are still there and our family has been in England since.

Prinz Harry’s Convoy-Klage would be abgeschmettert

The British Aufreger theme comes now with Monate, after Prinz Harry lost the complaint before the Supreme Court to the Innenministerium. Something has gone wrong, but it is a right to the Police chutz, including the Police Konvois that has lost, if there is a royal zurücktrat. A Judge of the Oberster Gerichtshofs, dass der Herzog von Sussex, der mit seiner Frau Meghan (43) und de Kindern Archie (5) und Lilibet (3) in Kalifornien lebt, een “offen gesagt hoffnungslosen” Einspruch gegen een Entscheidung des Innenministeriums über seine Sicherheit in Großbritannien “umfassend verdig” habe.

The high karate team of elite politicians, which is the care for the high karate car column reservations, bestht aus bewaffneten Motorradfahrern. Whoever else reports “Mail Online” receives special information about the prisoners in Great Britain. After funding American Swift and his torture with a blue light policy discount was brought to the Wembley show.

Freikarts for politics – Eskorte for Taylor Swift

In the Zwischenzeit that was as high as the Workers’ Party – the Prime Minister, the London Burgermeister and the Health Minister – Freikarten für Swifts Auftritte erhalten, there was a strong reaction.

While the Streit continues, where the Police Swift beschützt hat and Harry nicht, concrete Kulturministerin Lisa Nandy (45) am Wednesday morning, the police discount for the “Shake It Off” star is not an “unangemessenen Beeinflussung” during the employment contract -Political war . Nandy – the high personal opinion of the participants, the Freikarten für Swifts Show erhielten – says that it is a small association of guest friends, that there is, and Swifts Polizeischutz. “I am still in love, but that is the result of the fall of the art of Fehlverhalten or the unsatisfactory Einflussnahme gegeben hat,” he said on “Sky News”. The Police has hit the Entscheidung. Letztlich is a separation, and no one can strike it.

Forderte Swift’s Mutter den Schutz?

Three of Swift’s journeys in Wien were abgesagt from Terror-Angst. As “The Sun” further reports, the British police and the secret service provided night-time surveillance during the broadcast, but no information is available for the US-Stars’ Wembley shows.

When you Swifts Mutter and manager of Andrea have a short insurance discount for the An- and Abreise from a hotel in Wembley, you will take the next step. “I am Swift-Lager herrschte grote Besorgnis über de Sicherheit en man drohte damn, de Shows abzusagen, wenn es keine Polizeieskorte gabe”, while the person is sitting.