
Sandra Reitz brought Andreas Rohse Glück

Sandra Reitz brought Andreas Rohse Glück

All Olympia-Teilnehmer von Paris, dazu Weltmeister, Europameister, Weltcupsieger and others: There are more than 6000 Schützen in eleven days. Mittendrin Andreas Rohse, Nachwuchstalent of the Schützenvereins Adler Willmering. At the Shooty Cup, with the German Schützeneliet in the Team with the Nachwuchs, he achieved a complete Medaillensatz with his Hause.

In June, Andreas Rohse vom Schützenverein Adler Willmering is at the Bayerische Meisterschaft with two Gold and one Bronze niece for the qualification of the German Meisterschaft, under the Shooty-Endkampf, at the German Landesverband je two Luftpistolen- und two Luftgewehr-Schüler ins Rennen schickt.

Nun war is anyway: Andi Rohse fuhr in Begleitung seiner Eltern zur größten und modernsten zvil genutzten Schießanlage der Welt: the Olympia-Schießanlage Garching Hochbrück. More than 6000 Schützen gaben an elf Tagen ihr Bestes.

Giant fields

Rohse kannte das riesige Gelände bereits vom Vergangenen Jahr: Hauptgebäude, Olympia-Hotel, 300-m-Gewehrhalle, Druckluftwaffenhalle, Pistolenhalle, Finalhalle, Bogenanlage, Wurfscheibenanlage, a long Promenade and a variety of other Messestände Firmen, which all anboten, was run by the Schieß sports relevant is; drum herum Aufenthaltszelte aller 20 deutschen Landesverbände, Küchencontainer, Wohnmobile und -anhänger, Zelte und Parkplätze. Damal’s war is with silver, bronze and a hidden platzheimgekehrt.

The registration for the application and the weapon check can take a week for a free training in the Olympia-Schießanlange absolute. Zunächst stands for the air in the Luftdruckhalle der Endkampf of the 29. Bundesweiten RWS Shooty Cups and.

Party music at wettkamp

In the context of the others, we are aware of everything else that is happening and reading: In the box, we see party music, a moderator comments on the permanent history of the public, the public is happy, chats and celebrates the 80 Teilnehmer der Schülerklasse (10 to 14 years). ), a Fernsehteam überträgt das Event live on; the Aufzeichnung is no longer visible.

20 German National Associations arranged four Schüler ins Rennen geschickt, davon both with air pistol, both with air travel. As Mannschaft it is best written for a qualifying round with 20 Schuss. After that, Rohse and the three-thirds Upper Palatinate Mitstreiter were on the Platz and the eight best Vierer teams were present, which reached the Final.

Then you will be part of the final teams we will lose. The Losen lists the names of the best Schützen des Landes: Olympioniken, WM-Teilnehmer et cetera.

All Olympic participants here

Andi Rohses Team welcomed Maxi Dallinger, the more German Meister, who was on the Olympiakade, and with Sandra Reitz a Wahloberpfälzerin. Reitz ist ebenfalls more deutsche Meisterin und Europameisterin 2022, Weltcupsiegerin anyway ehemalige Olympionikin. In the war in Paris, Gatte Christian Reitz no longer won gold, at the Olympic Games in Beijing he won bronze and in Rio de Janeiro and at the Spielen in Paris he was shortlisted for the most popular position. Das Ehepaar Reitz lives in Regensburg.

The other teams went to the Olympic Games in Paris Anna Janssen, Maximilian Ulbrich, Doreen Vennekamp, ​​​​Robin Walter and Christian Reitz as Larissa Wegner, Anita Mangold, Isabella Straub, Hannah Steffens, Max Braun, died in Regensburg and Monika Karsch, Carina Wimmer, Andrea Heckner and Andreas Köppl are dissolved. Was for a Star-Aufgebot!

This pro, who has become so likely, is that the Shooty Cup has had enormous pressure, while he can no longer take care of his camp, so that all the children can no longer solve the children’s mass.

Gold for Andreas Rohse

Those Kids were vigorously trained by Können in their Vorbilder.

Those Oberpfälzer Schüler hatten Glück: Maxi Dallinger and Sandra Reitz brought home the Silbermedaille. Before the siege teams experience the Treppchen War, they go to Medals for the best Einzelschützen among the Teenies. Rohse war during the Shooty Cup of the best Luftpistolenschütze Deutschlands and took a Gold Medal in Empfang Nehmen.

A Tag Später Absolviert is a first DM-Wettkampf 2024 – 10 m Luftpistole. The parts can be read and the standard is used. 88 competitor positions – one of the other things – and the electronic shooting positions.

Eltern, Trainer and Zuschauer stand and say one meter behind the Schützen and then tense the Schussbilder and Ergebnislisten auf the Monitors. Der Willmeringer schaffte 181 Ringe. When all parts have been opened in the 20th period, stand fest: Andi Rohse hatte 83 Konkurrenten hinter sich gelassen en siege Platz fünf. If there is a war going on that is in the Vortag, four other people may not be able to continue.

The others are both legal fans of the tags that are statt.Sowohl 10m LP5 More powerful as well as 10m LP5 Standard were solved with the fun air pistol. Those meists Schützen hatten Stoppuhren neben ihrem Monitor lie.

Shooting under time pressure

From the gut: Beim Mehrkampf kommt der Zeitfaktor dazu, erordert noch more Konzentration and erzeugt zijnätzlichen Stress. Ersten Durchgang (Präzision), four Seriesn à fünf Schuss in je 150 Sekunden were abgegeben. In the course of the period of four series of absolving, all Schuss with an Ampel will be a free game: The Sportler now has no Sekunden Zeit for the Schussabgabe, then the Ampel jumps for his Sekunden zurück on Rot. Erfolgt der Schuss nicht or zu spät, so gilded dies als Fehler en wird mit Null gewertet.

Who enrages the Upper Palatinate with Andi Rohse mit, among other things, war extra signal Trainer Daniel Kulzer von den Adler Schützen from Willmering. There are good memories after the two Durchgängen spent in the Platz zehn.

In the letzten Disziplin 10m LP5 Standard hatte Rohse im letzten Jahr Silber holt. The first Durchgang (20 Schuss) enjoyed being with Mehrkampf. The two days were different: These four fun series must have been removed from the inner life of 20 sekunden. Please feel free to visit 344 Ringen Platz Acht. A number of final results, a number of errors, a number of complete Shooty Cup Medals and another Werbegeschenkreicher went to Willmering. “If you travel a long way, then you can get there,” he said. Andi Rohse does not have a typical emotional and bigger wort. The überlässt is a lieber seinen-begaritern. If the Shooty-Cup-Medallen on an honorary place in the Trophy Collection of Andreas are viewed in a natural way, this year will no longer be teilnehmen.
