
Mann stirs unbeachtet in Krankenhaus-Café

Mann stirs unbeachtet in Krankenhaus-Café

Während all essence and trinken

Mann sits for a long time in the Krankenhaus-Café


Dark clouds over the Krankenhaus in West Bromwich (England), in one of the largest unnoticed blips.

Google Maps

Gruesome and sad coincidence.

A 36 year old man stirred a dish in a cafe in a cafe, where people, personal and personal people had a great time, what a brand there was.

Tödliche Stille in Klinik-Café

It is a usual day at the Sandwell General Hospital in West Bromwich (England) – this is the most important. People come and go, if they are in the Kaffee, they are picked or taught. Do a thing on a Mann-regungslos. From 13:30 Uhr (10. July), on the 36-Jährige Platz nimmt. Wasn’t anyone white: Zu diesem Zeitpunkt liegt there wahrscheinlich schon im Sterben.

Reading tip: Toter (56) lives a long time in living quarters

Im Video: Vater findet die Leiche seines Sohnes (13) in Wohnung