
VW-Krise: Autoexperte Dudenhöffer from Werkschließungen from

VW-Krise: Autoexperte Dudenhöffer from Werkschließungen from

Schock in Wolfsburg: At VW sollen Mitarbeiter entlassen and Werke geschlossen were, das Management an. “Autopapst” Ferdinand Dudenhöffer about the Ursachen der Misere.

The Marke Volkswagen in the VW Group will save four million euros. Group boss Oliver Blume ensures the guarantee of chicken and working conditions. Nachvollziehbar?
Yes. The group chief Blume and VW brand chief Thomas Schäfer see this problem in the coming years, grow, grow and grow. If you act more, you will come out of the sluggish low areas. And that low is verdammt sluggish, while VW has established the constitution of a state-owned company and cannot have market-economic work.