
Mozilla releases Firefox 130

Mozilla releases Firefox 130

Mozilla has unveiled Firefox 130 for Windows, Apple macOS, and Linux. This article is quick from the most recent new experiences – who is on the blog which is also displayed on other websites.

Download Mozilla Firefox for Microsoft Windows, Apple macOS and Linux

Verbesserungen der Übersetzungsfunktion

Firefox has an umbrella function for websites, but in the cloud version with Google Translate is locally available, the embedded text is also not sent to a foreign server. More complete websites or just highlight texts can be added. The description of the text is as simple as possible after a complete website information about the display.


Nope title and placebolder A whole series of additional HTML attributes has now been added. The quality of the research may be improved by taking the following steps.

Leichterer Vorab-Zugang zu kommenden Features

In the new “Firefox Labs” of Firefox installations are the various browser features and platform features available, which support Mozilla and install the standard active operation for a while. This data can enable Mozilla feedback, so that new features become possible and smoother. Black gibt is with about: configuration of a mechanism with new features, all options can be displayed. The page “Firefox Labs” is the best feature that can be viewed and used to provide a useful description, using clear links.


AI Chatbots

One of the new experiments features a chatbot integration. Google Gemini, ChatGPT, HuggingChat, Anthropic Claude and Le Chat Mistral are included. The chatbots can be opened directly via the sidebar.

If the context menu or another option is active, a scale is displayed after highlighting text on the direct function of the highlighted inhalations, performing the display of an outbreak of the inhalations.


Automatic picture-in-picture mode with Tabwechsel

There are videos on the website and other tabs and other images are available. Inner video screens can pause and start, man sees the fortress of the wiedergabe and can jump another set of videos, a change in full mode is possible, the barrel can be used and wieder is eingeschalted, the title can be changed and the subtitles can be displayed on different platforms.

Via “Firefox Labs” a new feature can be activated. Add a video to a website, Firefox will automatically start in image mode when the tab is woken up. If someone is in print mode, the image in image mode will be displayed automatically.

Automatic picture-in-picture mode for videos, Firefox 130

Local AI generates alternative text for images in PDF data

Viewing PDF data is possible in any browser. Firefox works with the desired browser with a PDF editor. So when you use a PDF file, you can view the text and the image.

Because Firefox now has the ability to find an alternative text for an image in the background. Because the boundary of the barrier is free, the image information is with a high degree of certainty as great as blindness for the human.

A local AI can download the User in Firefox 130. By saving Firefox, a description text is automatically displayed on the underlying image. Local AI is available, because Firefox distributes the AI ​​model at the first display of the functions and the ability to secure the User’s device. The single images are also sent by Mozilla or a third-party cloud.


This Neuerung is written in the wash of the bowls for all the Nutzers to be rolled out.

This manuellen Aktivierung müssen three Schalter per about:config auf true to be recorded:, pdfjs.enableAltText and pdfjs.enableUpdatedAddImageThe Vorschläge was no longer spoken in English.

Weather and background for Firefox Homepage

The Firefox homepage is no longer available with a background image or a wallpaper.

For utilities in the US and Canada, the Firefox launch standard is available in the Wetter time. See all the features available via about:config active others, including the switch browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.system.showWeather by double click on true is constituted.


Personalization of the Pocket application on the Firefox home page

A new feature for the Firefox homepage is the optional personalization of Pocket Business. You can follow the following categories from the selection: Business, Accommodation, Food, Health, Finance, Politics, Sports, Technology, Travel, Science as well as Life Hacks.


This Neuerung is written in the wash of the bowls for all the Nutzers to be rolled out.

Users in the US, Canada and UK will find this Feature most useful. See all the features available via about:config active others, including the switch browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.topicSelection.enabled by double click on true is constituted.

Other endnote murmurs from Firefox 130

Since the overscroll effect in Firefox on Windows and macOS lasts longer, it is now possible to work on the Linux standard. This effect is described by the messages, when you view the pages that are scrolled through respectively.

If there is a long standing problem, a “copy” in context is one of the best ways to conduct a manchmale war, which should be done.

Websites with the Authorization Indicator (blue dot) in the switch area for the Extension menu will no longer be used if the explanatory host authorization is provided as an optional explanation.

The picture-in-picture mode action switch area may position itself differently for Hulu, a hint of other video player elements is not possible.

The videos of AV1 videos on Windows systems with ARM CPU can be activated.

The function of viewing images can be performed in a basic manner while finding the inside of the shadow DOMs on a website.

The installation text for the new HTTPS mode can be run and now clearly states that Firefox in the only-HTTPS mode is used to connect via HTTPS.

More security for Firefox-Nutzer

Also in Firefox 130 we have seen more safety issues. Only the Gründen der Sicherheit is an update of Firefox 130 for all useful applications.

Improvements of the Entwicklerwerkzeuge

The Responsive Design mode is no longer automatically executed by the User Agent and the Touch Simulation when the Window Size is executed.

When you run Firefox’s work, the display of the window size is performed by the active window size in the respective rights.

If you double-click on an element in the inspection, you will see that the attribute is very good.

Improvements of the Web platform

That name-Attribute of

-Elements started with grouping elements, while an element can influence a group. A use case for this are chords, without which JavaScript is required.

Die hyphens– Property in CSS function now correct for Czech and Slovak.

Firefox 130 supports the WebCodecs API.

There is a small war going on now with the translations of the web platform. There is a full-fledged representation in the MDN Web Docs manual.