
Cora Schumacher: “Totally Attractive Man”: You Want a Flirt in the Supermarket

Cora Schumacher: “Totally Attractive Man”: You Want a Flirt in the Supermarket

The letzten-wochen were one of the most important events in life for reality star Cora Schumacher (47). After the Coming-Out of Ralf Schumacher (49), he is best and would prefer a good performance with his ex-husband. But damn, now it’s a happy ending. If we continue to focus on the drama with the former professional cyclist, Cora insults her in the Netz, that could result in a new image.

If you spend the time with gratitude, Schumacher will claim the name of Schumacher and can work the name of Caroline Brinkmann into the tragedy. On Instagram, Cora Schumacher has the power over Germany, but he is no longer friends with the Liebesleben in his ex-Men. Statistics have been active for 47 years if you use Stolz, if you have a flirt on the supermarket – with a man, then this is a long hat!

Cora Schumacher insults Flirt in the supermarket: “I’m a gut fand, that’s a bad idea”

On the duty day (3. September) Cora Schumacher reported with her fans and her Instagram story, that is “what a bisschen besser” is. “No, I have not lost my laughter”, so those 47 years. If we look further, when we end up in the “Lieblings-Supermarkten” on the parking lot, we find a phone with our assistant war and that is nothing special, “that it is a totally attractive, neater Mann-steht and my whole life is Zeit anlächelt”. An unsatisfied flirt, the Cora as “mega toll” is paid.

“I have keine Ahnung, ob der verheriratet war. (…) Aber ich fands auf jeden Fall gut, dass ich mal wieder jemanden gut fand”, so die 47-Jährige. They are very clear: “Und I became jetzt definitiv (…) at about 18 o’clock I was always happy. I still laugh anyway! I was natural, but it was clear. – Was the power man?

Ex-Frau von Ralf Schumacher: “Cora Schumacher is my Marke, who is my own self-employed person”

There is no Coras Supermarket Flirt concern among lifelong fans. When it comes to processing, it is the name Schumacher, but it could not be obtained. “My names are (…) behalten. First of all, right, first of all”, so that 47 years. Cora wrote again: “I have a lot of information about my names, but I am not happy with them. I am happy with my Leiden and Kummer costumes and Cora Schumacher is my Marke, who is my own self-employed person.” In his private environment Umfeld he became haughty with his feminine name Caroline Brinkmann, in the open air everything turned out to be “so who is it”: “Den Gefallen became ich Ralf nicht tun, nein!”