
Norddeutsche Städte im Mieten-Check: Bis zu 11 Prozent Verteuerung in 2 Jahren – Plus …

Norddeutsche Städte im Mieten-Check: Bis zu 11 Prozent Verteuerung in 2 Jahren – Plus …

weed world

Nuremberg (ots)

A 2-year review of the residents of the northern German cities of the immovable world says:

  • In all borrowed cities since the month of 2022 rose – in the peak for good 11 percent
  • Hamburg with Plus von 6.1 Prozent: Quadratmeterpreis überschreitet 14-Euro-Marke
  • Spürbare Verteuerung auch in Bremen (+8.6 Prozent); more moderate Anstieg in Hannover (+4.0 Prozent)
  • Strongest Zuwächse bei den Angebotsmieten in Oldenburg (+11.5 Prozent); little ones Plus in Rostock (+0.7 Prozent)

In some northern German cities, the situation on the housing market may change. The high costs for a short period of the Wohnraum hat in the past 2 years to part for German Anstiege at the Angebotsmieten gezorgt. In the peak, a period of July 2022 and 2024 has taken place with 11 percent converted. In comparison: Inflation in Germany remained at 8.6 percent in the Zeitraum. At the same time, there are also cities in the north, in Denmark, which have only lightly Zugelegt. There is an active real estate analysis for 15 expanded northern German cities. They will receive the Quadratmeter Prize from the real estate. The existing Files (60 Quadratmeter, 2 Zimmer, 1. und 2. Stock, Baujahr 1990er-Jahre) will be published on 1. July 2024 with the dates of the year 2022.

Hamburg: Quadratmeterprijs knacken 14-Euro-Marke

Die with the utmost respect for all the unknown northern cities in Hamburg. The square meter of a file from the 1990s costs approximately 14.01 euros in the Hanseatic city. That is 6.1 euros for more than 2 years – it costs 13.20 euros for the quadratmeter. The unbridled preisauftrieb hangs for all with the strong Hamburger Bevölkerungswachstum sister – between 2011 and 2022 the Zahl der Einwohner laut Zensusdaten with more than 100,000 people. Take care of the food from the Ukraine for your favorite drinks at the Mietmarkt. The non-residences can be done correctly. I have spent a year enjoying the Hamburger living environment with a record of 85 days in Neubau.

Spürbare Verteuerung in Bremen, more moderate Anstieg in Hannover

Others in Großstädten Norddeutschland also treibt the waiting Kluft zwischen Wohnungsangebot and Nachfrage die Mieten nach oben. So müssen Wohnungssuchende in Bremen is activated with 10.93 Euro per Quadratmeter for a Bestandswohnung-rechnen – a Plus of 8.6 Prozent gegenüber 2022.

In the North German country the Angebotsmieten in the past of both years with the following choice: When Schwerin (8.73 Euro) a rise of +7.3 percent is recorded, since in Kiel (10.12 Euro) soar +8.1 percent. Therefore the main city of Schleswig-Holstein lies relatively in between the level of Hannover (10.11 Euro), where the rise of +4.0 percent is comparatively moderate. In the lower federal states the statistical country would have made so many houses fertile in the course of the years that it was not so, it was an easy undertaking to increase the beige interests of the population.

Stärkstes Mieten-Plus in Oldenburg

The German analysis of the analysis takes place daily in Oldenburg. The Lower Saxony Großstadt has been lost in years, thanks to a strong Zuzug a new high position at the Einwohnerzahl. There is a regulatory news on the market, which is noticeable in the Angebotsmiten: Since 2022, the durable quadratmeter price in the Neuvermietung will be a +11.5 turnover and will cost 9.71 euros. Zweistellige prozentuale Anstiege is near Oldenburg in Osnabrück (10.23 Euro; +11.2 Prozent) and Bremerhaven (7.53 Euro; +10.5 Prozent).

Andereorts fällt das Mieten-Plus deutlich schwächer aus: So beträgt der Anstieg in Göttingen (10.54 Euro) empty light +1.4 Prozent, in Rostock (9.38 Euro) the Angebotsmieten von Bestandswohnungen has since 2022 so nur um +0 , 7 Prozent erhöht.

Explanatory tables of the 15 non-German cities can be downloaded here.

Assessment basis:

The database for supplying the prices was on inserierte Angebote in 15 ausgewählten norddeutschen Städten. De mittels hedonic Verfahren errechneten Werte geben die Quadratmeterpreise von Bestandswohnungen (60 Quadratmeter, 2 Zimmer, 1. und 2. Stock, Baujahr 1990er Jahre) wieder. When the price is traded, this is a netkaltmiten at the Neuvermietung.

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