
Berliner Groß-Apotheker Rutscht in Insolvenz

Berliner Groß-Apotheker Rutscht in Insolvenz

The Berolina Apotheke in Berlin has Tradition and in the Hauptstadt a certain Bekanntheit. Der Betrieb zählt zu den großen umsatzstarken Pharmacies in Westen. Under the guidance of Helmut Hoffmann, the Pharmacy has found its great size: The Inhaber war für seine Rabattaktionen kan de 20-Prozent-Tage een en lie sich auf ungewöhnliche Kooperation and with the Fast-Food-Kette McDonald’s a: Schon voor 20 jaar Wurde Kundinnen and you can make use of fast-food recipes.

Known in the capital

Hoffmann was the best who has found the advantages of the mediare Reichswitte: Make sure that the Boulevard-Zeitung BZ the action on a lying teenager with Wort comes, who gets the Rezeptbonus. Industry expert zählen are of the „Champions League“ of the great Pharmacist Berlins with Dr. Axel Müller-de Ahna, Rolf Spielberger or Thomas Bong.

2015 Gab Hoffmann died Berolina Apotheke and Steffen in a suicide after 47 Berufsjahren in the Ruhestand. Steffen war for her in Hamburg and Rostock-tätig. Mit der Übernahme kehrte is in de Hauptstadt zurück. “Here I started my professional career in 1983 as an established pharmacist,” said the following in the protocol. The Rabattaktionen are retained. The “Treue-Taler” gives more money than 15 products from cosmetic products. About more information about the pharmacy’s website and address, an “unsere Sparfüchse” dies.

But Steffen will no longer work for the English knowledge with the Pharmacy in Zehlendorf, the Prozente aus ist. Under the Schlagkruid „High.End.Pharmacy“ is the „durchschnittliche Apotheke“ an indication that it is on the website. At the Offers in that Area are Arzneimitteltherapiesicherheit, various quick tests and measurements, Hautanalyse as well as the force point in the area orthomolecular medicine used. “If you give an answer to your question, it is worth communicating, and everything you have to do to ask“, described as the philosophy of the bets.

Outside of this is the Berliner Gorki-Apotheke and the Storchen-Apotheke in Hennigsdorf. If the Berolina-apotheke is one of the few, there is a larger department store, which can serve a special way. Do the action so that the big sale lasts half the night. Steffen is zahlungsunfähig.

Shock at the university

In July I placed the 66-year mortgage on the bankruptcy debt on my own debts. The shock in the College is the greatest: Pathfinder is inwardly self, that because of the aggressive actions in the past so big discounters had shot the next barracks. “The Berolina and the Gorki Pharmacy were grim Pharmacies, each one is astonished. When the Pharmacies have fallen, how the world changes”, said a college.

A Grund voor de Insolvenz sollen Industry expert will ensure that all high purchase prices for pharmacies have been avoided. In 2022, Dr. Sabine Knoll-Schütze gave the Gorki-Apotheke some more positive advice. “There is no such thing as a very prominent pharmacy, which the Gorki pharmacy in Berlin is a very valuable purchaser,” says Knoll-Schütze after the purchase of ihrem Vater, Dr. Waldemar Knoll, gegründeten Apotheke gegenüber den Apothekenvermittlern.

Diese Insolvenz in Relation met der Zetigen Schließungen zu setzen, sei schwierig, sagt ein dem Großhandel nahestehender Beobachter. “It is not the case that a normal Pharmacy is not in a political context. That is a serious attack.”

Steffen will not use his Insolvenz himself anymore. This stecke is der time in de Arbeit. If you want to file for bankruptcy, this is worth it. I have found a solution for solving problems with all three Pharmacies, which are a Sprecher. „Everything can be repeated in the Gründen nor on the height of the debts, but on a Aussage-tätigen.“

The Beispiel says that it is a vermeintliche grote stad-apotheke under the Entwicklung der vergangenen Jahre Leiden. Higher costs, higher personal costs and more financial costs can result in higher credit charges. The end of the castle and the infamous Apotheke on the Brandenburg Gate, we will leave the Umsätze ausblieben and der Vermieter nicht einlenkte.

“Apotheke in der Krise: Handel oder Heilberuf?!” – dieses Thema will take place at VISION.A 2024 in Mittelpunkt. Die Zukunftskonferenz für Pharma und Apotheke, made possible by PHARMACY ADHOC, ARZ Haan AG, PTA IN LOVE and PHARMACY TOUR präsentiert am 10. September in Berlin die Antworten. This is about the program.