
Message: Israelhasser spähen Polizei aus

Message: Israelhasser spähen Polizei aus

The Police Berlin protects people from the danger of Jews and Jews and their parents. Laut »Bild« became the Police Officer of Persons from the Israeli final Environment ausgespäht.

Blatt’s message was hit by the service bäude in Berlin-Moabit. In the dry Kruppstraße Beamte were observed. The views, vehicles and number painters were documented in the message regarding »Hass-Mob«. Make sure you don’t encounter any problems and don’t solve the problem.

GDP display »Gefährdungpotential«

»Picture« writes, for two weeks, on August 24, a suspect is observed. A scooter is put on the market and can no longer be used. Four days later, a politician would have called on the E-Roller in court to “Free Palestine!” Your request leads to no results.

In his report is the Zeitung Benjamin Jendro, the Speaker of the Police Department. There would be a report of the GDP with the growth and the spreading of a potential potential growth. The Department now orders on measurements, the security of the officers in Moabit increase.

I have been affected by service incidents at the 1. Civil Police Teilung, the regularity of which has been »propalästinensisch« Protests have become established. Letztere puppen sich often als Israel- und Judenfeindliche Kundgebungen, while the regularity of the Volksverhetzung, Angriffe auf Beamte and other Vergehen were registered. i am