
Einladung zum Weltgrundwasserkongress

Einladung zum Weltgrundwasserkongress

Since our press conference at the IAH World Groundwater Congress has ended, a weltweiten Veranstaltung, which will take place from 8 to 13 September in Davos (GR) and the University of Neuenburg, the Swiss Society for Hydrogeology (SGH) and the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) organizer. The press conference will be held on the Swiss Day des Kongresses in English and German and will find the status of Donnerstag, September 12, 10:30 am to 12:00 pm. Kongresszentrum Davos, 7270 Davos Platz Meeting point at the registration desk at 10:15 am.

In one of the most recent developments, the Grundwasser is an important source that is being used under pressure. On the Swiss Congress Day I am 12. September three themes of greater significance were discussed, which are not only relevant for Switzerland, but also for many other regions. There are journalists who have a malicious location, but the experts of the Grundwasser area will hit this.

1. Climbing hike and Grundwasser in Alpine areas
Do the fixed fall limit and the glacier’s backwash have a negative water organization, or are these changes compensated for by lowering?

2. Erhaltung der Grundwasserqualität für künftige Generationen
Is there any micro-contamination with PFAS and microplastics, nor is it the case that Quellwasser receives such an upgrade of its drinking water?

3. Grundwasser in the Zusammenhang mit der Energiewende
Do you find the water supply for the geothermal energy gained, the energy storage, the rust protection or the fall protection? Well-being of potential risks is best for our ground water resources, if it is warm or CO2 were not terrifyingly discussed?

More highlights

The Anschluss and the press conferences were held at the congress grounds more event locations. For example, if you use a mobile work facility in the fascinating world of glacier sound, it is so that with high-tech water analyses the measurement of micro-damage substances in the field is determined.

For more information:
Der Weltgrundwasserkongress:
Swiss Day at the World Water Congress:
Ankündigung des Kongresses on the UniNE website:

Registration required
Please report your request by September 12 to [email protected] under Angabe Ihres Vor- en Nachnamen en des Mediums, for your work, a. If you receive a voucher, it will cost the journalist for the congress credit costs.